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Tuesday, August 27, 2024


The actual email sent June 28, 2021, to Gov Pritzker, Chief Judge and a host of other Democratic Leaders of the Paternity Tests, that EXCLUDED me from Paternity that former States Attorney Richard J. Daley DISMISSED against me after attending court for over 2 years, September 17, 1987.

Tap on the Google Link and the tests will show how someone threatened or allegedly tried to pay off the Medical Doctors from the Cook County and American Red Cross medical facilities did whatever they were instructed to do by FRAUDULENTLY REPORTING that, the tests found Joe Lawrence to be the father of the minor child.

The States Attorney learned of the fact both tests were in fact EGREGIOUSLY ALTERED in an attempt to PROTECT the POLICE OFFICER who in fact IMPREGNATED HIS 2ND BIOLOGICAL DAUGHTER, who is now a Chicago Police Officer Francoise Louise Barbara Hightower under investigation by INTERNAL AFFAIRS TODAY.

Every Democrat within the City of Chicago closed their eyes and ears as the rogue cops William Jenkins Hightower who allegedly worked under Commander Burge the same Commander who tortured so many innocent Black men and sent them to prison,

Now his daughter Francoise aka Frankie used her badge and influence to have Assistant States Attorneys to go behind Richard J. Daley and have a plethora of documents forged and falsified to reflect that, Tycee Laqita Hightower as a ADULT was a MINOR and he was REMANDED into CUSTODY 4 TIMES FOR ALLEGEDLY OWING CHILD SUPPORT ON A CASE THAT WAS DISMISSED and was REMANDED INTO CUSTODY ON A BOGUS WARRANT, Democrat racist Judge Ronald Bartkowicz manufactured an WARRANT FOR AN ORDER OF PROTECTION, causing Joe to be arrested in court wearing his CTA uniform and badge 26115 to be removed from his body.

Judge Bartkowicz used his unlawful authority to save his former colleagues from the CTA from paying to him his BACK WAGES, they stole from him while he was off work injured on duty and the fact another Irish judge James J. Meehan, Timothy P. Murphy allegedly signed court orders allowing the illegal garnishees of his wages to Francoise's Irish Democrat attorney Joseph V. Roddy in a successful extortion disguised as Child Support.

The CTA never allowed him to return back to work Dec 1, 1994, resulting from a WORK-RELATED INJURY in an attempt to protect every RACIST DEMOCRATIC IRISHMAN COMPLICIT IN ALLEGED KU KLUX KLAN ACTIVITIES of EXTORTION.   

To this date, the email thread establishes veracity that the DEMOCRATIC PARTY is as RACIST and HATEFUL since the days when Black Americans were not allowed to vote in the Party when many were free from slavery voting Republican.

This case on its face demonstrates with overt complicity how Democrats are now substituting the ROPES using VICIOUS UNLAWFUL APPLICATIONS OF THE LAWS to Destroy or Criminalize Innocent Men of Color to keep them disenfranchised from society in prison, homeless as in this case away from being employed but infinitely bound within the legal system.

Look at how cowardly Black Men and women in the Democratic Party are used to commit genocide on Black and Brown People in order to remain actively employed and appointed to higher positions within the Party instead of the Ku Klux Klan burning crosses and Lynching so many innocent Black and Brown Men look at the senseless violence and how so many are complicit on this case trying to DESTROY him for STANDING UP TO RACIAL INJUSTICES BY MANY IN THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY. 

Joe Louis
To:kenneth ditkowsky,Dean Sallas,Angela V. Woodhull,Janet Phelan
Cc:ADA Complaints FBI,Chicago FBI,,,
Mon, Jun 28, 2021 at 10:29 PM
Professor Ken:

Oh my when, I saw this particular response, I had to interject with my experience of being a part of a "fixed" case that is still in the courts as we speak.

Remember this email reply, I too was the victim of a "FIXED" case to hear you articulate how a judge can simply say to you what he doesn't believe; especially, when the evidence speaks to the contrary.

Years ago when my grandfather was alive he was a Democrat a Dunaway well connected to all of the powerful Irishmen, they liked him he went to work drunk came to my Aunt's house drunk when, I lived in Cabrini Greens, he told me when he was sober, he lived 1440 North Wells nest door to the wax museum, he had cancer then, I would always go by and see how he was doing, he said when you are a Democrat you have to do whatever you are told to keep your job, I replied even if it is illegal, he said, that is how it is, my reply, I told him that, I am not a Democrat call me a independent, there is no way nobody is going to tell me what to do or how to do it involving innocent people, I am sorry, that is where I draw the line, I explained to him this may have worked for him and those who may have migrated from the South with limited education.

He laughed at me and said that, I sounded like my mom that is why he named me Tuffy because he knew before, I was born that, I was going to be TOUGH, so he advised me to watch them Irish boys because they are something else they control everything and if ever, I needed an attorney make sure, I get myself a good Jew attorney because they would help me.

I had another grandfather and grandmother who were not biological but was closer to me than my biological parents, this grandfather had the same position as my biological grandfather he migrated from the South had owned gas stations a Deacon in the church a strong southern man who represented values in a man that is not seen in today's families, explained how the Masons from the North differed from the southern masons, he said the men up hers in the North are lazy and expect the white man to give him something, if you want something you have to work hard for it save your money and keep your mouth closed about what you are trying to do and most important anything, I endeavor to do, I must be the best at it not second best but the best, he said the white man don't won't you to think for yourself or have an education, they want to control and tell you what to do education is the key.

He was a Riley and would recite to me every week when he pulled out the bible and said scriptures, I was the only grandson that would sit for about 1-2 hours literally and share wisdom to me, 1,) "An individual is in his heart what he thinks himself to be and out of his life flows, the issues of life"
                         2.) "If an individual has no aspiration beyond his or her present situation, their presence shall remain the same" 

I can go on forever sharing love and wisdom received from my grandparents what is so funny my grandmother we called her Gin short for Virginia always knew, I had a girl in the basement never told my grandfather and it would be many times one of those very days my grandfather would call me upstairs to talk to me.
He had a white father and took care of that man until he died in his home on the South side of Lake Park.

Stay tune, I am going to present to you a case being "FIXED" in Federal Court by Judge Gary Feinerman it will not shock you, but it is definitely going to blow the minds of many of the readers following our emails, it was filed today.    

  • Joe Louis <>,Kenneth Ditkowsky,,,Cook County States Attorney,
    Thu, Jul 9, 2020 at 1:12 PM
    Attention Gov Pritzker/Ken Ditkowsky:

    Ken a man of your integrity should be addressed along with any communication, I may send to the Governor or any other person in responsible authority because you have lead by example speaking up in my defense for which I am honorably grateful something nobody Black white Gay, Bisexual, or try sexual don't want to leave nobody out, I have tried, pleaded verbally and in legal documents that was not my child and I never owed any child  doing for years but living in this violent racist city my skin color proved this was definitely not a place for anyone with any ambitions or aspirations should start their careers.

    I have before you documents that not only corroborate your narrative to my assertions about the corruption and racist experiences, I have encountered in this city in all courts but these are the paternity tests no lesser man or woman want anyone see or read.

    Without further ado, take a look at Cook County tests it says that, I am 17,905 times likely to be the father and that paternity is 99.99%.

    An ignorant person or normal minded person would assume seeing this is a Doctor what he recorded must be true, but it is not because from a mathematical perspective numbers don't lie.

    Let me explain, I have been around many African students who were educated from the British system many of them and professor from all over the world showed me many short cut formulas to attacking numbers in solving quadratic equations business calculus etc., moreover, I was enrolled in a statistics course at Roosevelt University where, I graduated in 1986 of June.

    It is a impossibility to arrive at 99% from a 17905 number.

    I went to Rush University and studied in their medical library many thought, I was a Fellow student studying genetics or immunology nobody my color was in this area of study at the time, I meet a very prominent Medical Physician who was impressed with my research and inquires about both paternity tests, he stated that their were some questionable irregularities and that he would love to come to court and testify in my behalf he was not going to charge me a dime all I had to do was provide him transportation coming to court.

    At the time, I told my former attorney Robert A. Egan needless to say that never happened.

    As I digress, in order to arrive at the number of 17905 you have to multiply the numbers assigned to the Genetic Markers which are called Paternity index, the Paternity index numbers are multiplied together to give you what is called a Combined Paternity Index Number that determines Exclusion or Non Exclusion of Paternity, in this case my numbers came to 1790588/17.91% EXCLUSION.

    Take a look at my hypothetical interpretation of what a Combined Paternity Index must come to before any person as in my case be considered in favor of paternity it must multiply out to 99992.391/99%.

    People lie words can be manipulated but numbers don't lie take a look at the graph in this example, I had to use what is called a Stacked Column Graph to give a visual demonstrating unequivocally that the Cook County test EXCLUDED me from paternity, in that the truth of the example (red graphs) overshadowed the lie in blue.   

    Now let's go to the American Red Cross test, they performed a paternity test different from Cook County; nevertheless, their test EXCLUDED me from paternity as well even though they recorded Combined Paternity Index of 7219.9520% and stating the chance of Paternity was 99.9862%

    Remember from the above, you cannot arrive at 99% from 72% before, I attack the false reading of the test take a look at the Genetic Marker for Tycee Hp very important!!! It says UNDETECTED bold caps!

    According to the Mendelian Laws of Inheritance .. a child must have a genetic

    marker in their blood if it present as an identical pair in one parent. also a

    child must inherit one of a pair of markers from each parent. A child can not

    have a genetic marker in their blood that is absent in both parents.

    Because we were unable to locate a genetic marker in the child, but was able to

    find it in the mother and the alleged father, Mr. Lawrence is directly excluded

    from the paternity dispute.

    The Paternity Index is a mathematical calculation of known gene frequencies in the

    Relevant population. The individual system indices (Plural for Index) are multiplied

    together to obtain a combined Paternity Index.

    In order to arrive at the relative chance of paternity, you (divide) the combined

    paternity index by (100O). This would give you the relative chance of paternity of

    72.20. and the relative chance of non-paternity is 27.80~ with prior probability

    of .5O%. All of the results are based on the assumption that the tested mother is

    the biological mother of this child.

    Look at the figures on the American Red Cross Paternity Test, notice that the

    number (7219.95) is consistent with my figures. There is no way mathematically

    you can arrive at 99.98~ with a combined paternity index of 7219.95.

    Dr. Oscar Behzad knowingly gave a false interpretation of this paternity test in

    the same manner Dr. Boolayangoor has acted at Cook County.

    In the same visual graph in the hypothetical example demonstrates 70.4103 x 142.0000 = 9998.2671%

    When you multiply 50.8447 x 7219.9503 = 36709/36%  36% is consistent with the 17% recorded at Cook County both tests unequivocally EXCLUDED me from paternity.

    You see Ken I too had a plethora of experiences so fucking racist you would swear, I was in Mississippi or Backwater Texas I was in front of a Judge explaining some of the same info you are reading the State was trying to suspend my drivers license saying, I owed child support the judge had me to go and get this Jewish attorney group something like CARPLS because she wanted a white person bottom line to come to court and repeat the same shit, I spoke to the lawyer and explained to them what the judge said, he asked me what the hell different can be said that you have already said? I explained to him that he was a white man his voice would go farther nobody is listening and the judge wanted them to represent me, his reply was that Sir or Bro not sure, he said their are some white people that white people don't want to fuck with and they are called WHITE TRASH! He said that, I was dealing with was WHITE TRASH they are all up in CITY HALL and refused to represent me.

    I came back to court told the judge what was said to me never mentioning the persons name she looked at me in a pale shocking manner and DISMISSED my case license was never ever suspended and told me I had a gift, I tell a story using the laws an Assistant Attorney General complained to the judge saying, that I didn't plead right the judges reply lol oh yes he did, I understood everything he said just because you went to law school and was taught how to plead one way don't mean that because a person pleads differently from you don't make them a lesser or you a better pleader.

    I have DEFEATED and OUTBRIEFED every attorney in this City and State where an attorney practicing law for over forty years had his license suspended unlawfully for speaking up against illegal foreclosures involving crooked judges, he gave the case to me to help them because of my skills of law on the Federal Appellate level.

    There was another white sister very powerful who learned of my plight, I had file a Notice of Appeal on this paternity case in 1989 or 1990 the May 18, 1988 court order was taken from the court files at least 4 or 5 times from the record, this person told me in front of some good sisters that, I was up against the Good ol Boys, and that, I needed to know what, I was up against.

    So am I to understand that men that are called White Trash are they the Ku Klux Klan? and what we call Niggers are they the type of people who have ignored me all of these years?

    Because I am that, that I am a Man and you are one as well we speak and operate from the position of who we are in spite of being Born & Raised a Freeman my skin color prohibited me EQUAL access to all legal venues in spite of the very laws in place to vindicate me from the very Injustices Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. preached and marched for all of us to be treated equally under the laws and not against us because of the color of our skin color.

    What do you think Ken? You are the only person reaching out speaking up you think I should contact President Trump?


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  • kenneth ditkowsky
    There is one fact that you failed to mention - possibly since you were not aware of it. Corrupt conduct does not exist solely in courtrooms of Cook county - it permeates the system. Years ago the City had a crime laboratory. It was subsequently merged with the State Crime Lab. My involvement with the laboratory was occasioned by them hiring a relative. This game me a look into it as I carefully listened to the complaints. These complaint ultimately caused by relative to quit and take another job. The complaints were: 1) Political clout was a major factor in obtaining promotions and assignments. 2) the 'crime of the century' was repeated almost daily - THE EQUIPMENT USED IN THE TESTING WAS NOT STANDARDIZED! In other words some tests did not start at zero! 3) the lack of sanitization and care for samples created an atmosphere that on certain days the "product' tested for was so heavy in the air that it would have been impossible to obtain a negative result. In fact, on the rationalizations for my relative leaving was my relative was showing signs of controlled substance abuse just from being in the laboratory. There is no question that because so many of the defendants have a dark hue to their skins no one in authority gave a tinker's damn as to whether or not they got a fair trial. The only thing that counted as the prosecutor got a conviction. Mr. Louis I do not stand up for you because of your race - I stand with you because you are my neighbor and thus my friend. When your rights are cast aside like dirt - so are mine. It may not be politically correct but honor and integrity are the core of American Law and the same must be restored for everyone including but not limited to those who are not confronting the police. Ken Ditkowsky
    Thu, Jul 9, 2020 at 2:14 PM
  • Joe Louis <>
    To:kenneth ditkowsky,OIG. Referrals,,,
    Wed, Jul 22, 2020 at 9:39 PM
    Dear Ken:

    Please find an email sent to the Child Support Advisory Committee 

    Update to the Advisory Committee:

    Someone on the State level recognized that there are a plethora of irregularities described as corruption they have never ever seen anything like this in their lives.

    I was directed to contact Pam Zekman or any investigative reporter.

    The States database reflects a judge created some type of court order in 2007 and it was amended by a judge March of 2019 as a Police officer Francoise knew all of the dirty judges.

    Prior to 2007 was 1995 or 1996, I remembered Ronald Bartkowicz a former workman's compensation attorney issued a bogus warrant against me for an Order of Protection against Francoise, during this time I had not seen or communicated with her the judge threatened me if I continued trying to be reinstated to the CTA he was going to lock me up because they said I was not an employee, and forced me to go drive a school bus William Stewart Boyd was my attorney and never withdrew from my case and was rewarded a judges position for allegedly selling me out.

    What is ironic a Black woman at the Bus company in payroll who didn't like me for reasons, I could never explain told my lodge sister, that something was wrong with the court orders she has processed 100's of child support and never seen anything like mine checks were coming back with Francoise and Joseph V. Roddy's name on the back and they were going to his law office this was presented to me, I asked for a copy of that information she feared for her job and apologized for what, I have been through.

    Reliable Bus company went out of business not long after that information was presented to me.  

    So much of my money was being EXTORTED from me Public Aid had to give me the maximum in food stamps for my 5 children and wife at the time, now let's do some math from 1995 or 96 to 2007 they waited 10 or 12 years when Tycee was an ADULT 22 years to manufacture some type of arrearage court order because their was never a child support order and as of March 2019, some how a judge amended another court order for Francoise 12 years after 2007. 

    I figured out the motive why the child support orders were being kept illegally current because someone was keeping tabs on my reinstatement back to the CTA which gave the criminal minded individuals a chance to steal my back wages that being local 241 ATU, and certain CTA officials responsible for destroying my employment records to protect the identities of the judges signing illegal court orders.

    The problem here the people who want their money for "FIXING" this case is coming after the wrong fucking person all of this wasted energy and time destroying my life on LIES and promises she may offered to you most importantly, the CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT DOROTHY BROWN knew I was innocent and never owed any child support certain Latinos bought it to her attention they provided me receipts saying SUSPENSE, they said they have no idea where this money was going because I didn't owe any money.

    Certain Black and Brown individuals thought I was just a Nigger with a so what attitude about my plight being treated unjustly like the same individuals who shot up the funeral home shooting 15 people; whereas, others saw me as being Dominican or Puerto Rican tried helping me sharing information never revealing their identities proving factually that Black people in power really do HATE who they are so as to be accepted by those who don't respect or like them.

    Rev Moss did say Sunday a "LIE" don't last forever it's time for people to see and HEAR the TRUTH about the FACTS of this case and what's amazing is the DEPTHS  a racist or a self-hated black or Brown person is willing to do or go through to destroy an INNOCENT MAN!

    I would like to thank any person who acted on my behalf believing in my documentations seeking help and support because so many are filled with HATE and displaced RAGE only a person who embodies love for themselves can share or give love to anyone else.

    I am that, that I am a A HETEROSEXUAL Man Born and Raised a FREE MAN something many caught up in this Demonic sic episode are not accustomed to dealing with.

    When do a Black life matter?  

    Ken your thoughts 

    Joe Louis

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