The attached Brief has been unchallenged members of the Political Machine and Racist Attorneys and Judges were so confident they had everything under control did not expect Judge William J. Bauer to allow a Pro Se litigant to address Government Corruption.

Unlike Trayvon Martin how a smear campaign is attempted to denigrate his character as a minor, (School expulsions, wearing a hoodie etc) in an attempt to justify murdering a minor as Zimmerman "claims self-defense"

Read for yourself how Organized Corrupt Racist Judges acted as multiple Zimmerman's maintained their positions of POWER as they committed the same type of RACIAL INJUSTICE on an INNOCENT MAN OF COLOR without the BULLET!

Read how countless Zimmerman's in Illinois, Chicago, County of Cook circumvented all laws to commit the most Diabolical Depraved Acts ever recorded in any legal documents;

See how the Political Machine deployed an entire State, of Corrupt Attorneys and judges to take on an unlicensed Attorney in an attempt to prevent the very facts from being revealed.

It is sad when a man licks and sucks his way to the top,and determining what Political party he may belongs to or what a politician dictates to a judge or an attorney is how verdicts are reached in the courts is how innocent Black and Hispanic men are exploited in the courts, unjustly, so as to make weak corrupt white men and their followers feel powerful oppressing those who may be academically challenged in the area of law.

To those who maybe intimidated by the volume of pages, I'll make it easy for you Page 2 outlines the Contents and Demonstrates the District Court Errors, Page 11 are questions presented to the Court of Appeals for their responses and legal arguments to what is proposed in the brief.   

Respectfully Submitted,

Joe Louis