Wikipedia Racial Injustice in Chicago Courts

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Tuesday, July 16, 2024


Why is it a Black or Brown Man have to languish in prison on average 25 years under the Democratic legal system before a legal tribunal finally realizes oops DNA says he didn't do it?

Why is it that on an illegal foreclosure case where the case was properly vacated by a Circuit Court judge and Affirmed by an Appellate Court, US Bank basically said fuck the laws and the courts and still is trying to steal their home and the Black judge Nathaniel Howse, Jr. is going along with this racism and corruption.

The 14th Amendment is not addressing the Black and Colored people in this city due to the continuous enforcement of JIM CROW LAWS and Blacks in the Political Party are programmed and instructed to ignore the Civil Rights Violations of their own ethnic groups and embrace any other race which is why we have widespread violence in this city.

Black and Brown judges and Politicians are destroying their own ethnic groups for the advancement and appointment within the Democratic Party, so the youth and other adults have taken self-hate to another level and is violently killing everyone that looks like them.  

You cannot blame DONALD TRUMP for any of the INJUSTICES that is happening in this DEMOCRATIC CITY.

  • Joe Louis
    To:Governor JB Pritzker,CCC DomRelCR3006 (Chief Judge's Office),The State of Illinois,Jaime Barcas (Chief Judge's Office),
    Tue, Jul 16 at 12:00 AM
    Attention Gov Pritzker & Legal Professionals:

    Please find communication sent to Gov Pritzker seeking assistance with this matter because of the diabolical corruption and Ku Klux Klan control the Good ol Boys have over the legal system and Black and certain Colored people.

    Unbeknownst to so many of you this case was DISMISSED September 17, 1987, by Judge D. Adolphus Rivers and Robert Anthony Egan was my Attorney, but the Modis operandi of those in the Political Machine who hate Black and Brown FREEMEN OR WOMEN of Color is to Delete or Destroy any documents that may be germane to any Colored Person's innocence.

    As a gambit pawn or poison pawn indicative to a chess game, Respondent was placed in a position due to numerous complaints about the injustices taking place by Corrupt judges and judges he felt were members of the Ku Klux Klan various members of law enforcement were very vocal speaking up in his behalf, but the inferior and Klan judges never attempted to vindicate the innocent Respondent, so the Machine has made it very clear to the Feds they run Chicago state Agencies and the Courts if they get one they are going to have to come get all of them------keep in mind many on the front lines are Black and Colored judges or other personnel.

    To protect the identity of all of the great judges trying to do a good job working with racist corrupt judges and not wanting to look like a whistle blower, the technique was to allow every nefarious person to trap themselves only certain individuals of a specific breed or mentality is caught up in this case members of law enforcement have way more than originally expected, I want out of this shit!

    I thank God for the opportunity and to everyone not a part of this mess and allowed me the ability to demonstrate legally how so many were complicit in an "Organized Criminal Conspiracy" so people should not even get upset at the Respondent because nobody told many of you to take part in any of these criminal proceedings.

    Everybody can see how, I was criminalized as well as so many other innocent Black and Brown Men who may be incarcerated or disenfranchised from society reinvigorating Jim Crow Lynchings with unjust applications of the laws as so many in the Democratic Party sit back quietly as so many profit off of the misery and injustices of so many caught up in the tyranny. 

    Plaintiff’s license was never suspended because there was never a signed court order stating he owed any child support but was locked up 5 times for allegedly owing child support.


    A.                Plaintiff Lost his job with the Sheriff Department in the Administrative capacity because of the Bogus Paternity case;


    B.     Despite scoring in the top 5-10% on the Police Exam a Commander with the Police Department could not bring him on the Police department because of some integrity issues that had to be resolved with the Bogus Paternity case;


    C.    Plaintiff lost his job driving a School bus (Reliable who later went out of business) because someone was forcing them to accept bogus court orders for wage garnishees where Plaintiff was forced to get on Welfare because of all of the money extorted from his salary;


    D.    Plaintiff was rear ended by drunk Police Officer standing still driving a CTA bus Officer totaled his van, Plaintiff sustained a back injury while off work injured on duty allegedly City Hall officials and CTA personnel stole his wages and tried to destroy said personnel records saying Plaintiff was never a CTA employee and was never reinstated in Dec 1, 1994.


    E.     Despite filing a grievance the Union never acted on the matter even up to this date, but the union Javier Perez called the Plaintiff last year telling them they never received a letter from his physician stating he was fit to return to return to work, if he had that letter we could do something about getting you reinstated, what he did not realize Plaintiff had the information faxed it to him never heard from him again;


    F.     Plaintiff got accepted to Northwestern Law School scored very high on LSAT could not attend school because of the plethora of Racist Diabolical Obstructions in 1990 or 1991 no white man had to endure living in Chicago, Illinois  

    Pull up case 85 D 068184 and go to September 17, 1987; after notifying the Governor someone DELETED this order after an investigation was had now ask yourself why did they do that?  


    When Dorothy Brown was the Clerk, this Paternity case was never in the database it was not until after Iris Martinez was elected is when the file mysteriously appeared in the database, and certain parts of case 88 D 079012 was allegedly at City Hall and this came from reliable sources when 32 West Randolph was opened, I have humbly litigiously defeated every attorney in every venue and, I did not have to lie, pay off anyone or commit any immoral acts and never compromised the integrity of this matter so as to make sure special forces or any of the allied insurgents could install personnel in any of the respected areas because nobody was reading or paying attention to anything being recorded simply because of the Color of my skin.


    That Pursuant to Section 2 (42 U.S.C.) In the House of Representatives.

           “Congressional Debate of the second section of the Ku Klux Klan Act was more extensive and enduring than that of Section 1; As originally presented, Sec. 2 made it a felony for any “two or more persons” to conspire to commit certain enumerated crimes “in violation of the rights and privileges, or immunities of any person, to which he is entitled under the Constitution and laws of the United States.

              “Throughout the debates, supporters of the Act made repeated references to the depredations of the Ku Klux Klan; Victims of these atrocities included not only blacks but white Republicans as well. The crimes that were perpetrated, therefore, were not viewed as isolated occurrences, but as part of an “Organized Conspiracy….Political in its origin and aims”, “crimes perpetrated by concert and agreement, by men in large numbers acting with a common purpose for the injury of a certain class of citizens entertaining certain political principles, id, at 457 (remarks of Rep. Coburn). See also e.g., id. At 437 (remarks of Rep. Cobb) (“None but Democrats belong or can belong to these societies”) et al.

              “Where these gangs of Assassins show themselves the rest of the people look on, if not with sympathy, at least with forbearance. The boasted courage of the South is not courage in their presence. Sheriffs, having eyes to see, see not; judges, having ears to hear, hear not; witnesses conceal the truth or falsify it; grand or petit juries act as if they might be accomplices. In the presence of these gangs all the apparatus and machinery of civil government, all the processes of justice, skulk away as if government and justice were crimes and feared detection. Among the most dangerous things an injured party can do is to appeal to justice. Of the uncounted scores and hundreds of atrocious mutilations and murders it is credibly stated that not one has been punished. Cong. Globe, supra note 2, app. At 78 (remarks of Rep. Perry). (“While murder is stalking abroad in disguise, while whippings and lynching’s and banishment have been visited upon unoffending American citizens, the local administrations have been found inadequate or unwilling to apply the proper corrective”) et al., …. And the State made no successful effort to bring the guilty to punishment or afford protection or redress to the outraged and innocent.”)     


    4.)   That Under Section 4 of the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871: the law is clear, “Whenever in any State or part of a State………unlawful combinations…….shall be organized and armed, and so numerous and powerful et al…………and whenever, by reason of either or all of the causes aforesaid, the conviction of such offenders and the preservation of the public safety shall become…..Impracticable, in every such case such combinations shall be deemed a rebellion against the Government of the United States…..”

    Respectfully submitted,

    Joe Louis Lawrence



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