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Thursday, June 8, 2017


Dear Mr. Steve Jobs and OpenLineBlog Team, as well as ALL applicable authorities:

I am writing in respond to OpenLineBlog  post which I recently found - the full text below, and want to provide some comments on Mrs. Julia Larkin  whom I believe is a daughter or other family member to  IL ARDC Administrator JEROME LARKIN,  who zealously disbar and prosecute ethical  lawyers who expose judicial corruption in our State, but completely ignore heinous crimes committed by big banks and HOA  lawyers who operate massive mills (commonly known as "racket" and "money laundering") on all levels of IL Courts, to extort money and properties from IL citizens by most criminal means and using their beneficial connections with certain corrupt judges, most of whom owe their judicial seats to  Mr. Madigan and his family. 

I have personal experience with Mr. Jerome Larkin's total ignorance to FACTS in my numerous complaints against   lawyers who commit perjuries, file forged documents, obstruct justice, enter into conspiracy agreements with certain judges with whom they  (of course accidentally) have  families connections, ect. and/or connected to powerful politicians like Madigan, Burke, Daley or IL Supreme Court Justices. All of my complaints were closed by ARDC and Jerome Larkin. 

Examples are included but not limited to

1. On August 16, 2011 Lawyer Douglas Oliver submitted complaint in case 11-CH-28887, Deutsche Bank v. Fedorova, where he lied to the Court that MERS is a mortgagee for my loan; and Deutsche Bank is a current "mortgagee and Trustee for GSAMP 2006FM1. It was a blatant lie (aka perjury). MERS was NOT a mortgagee; therefore cannot transfer any of its non-existing rights to DBNT, who  was NOT a mortgagee or Trustee for non-existing REMIC Trust GSMAP 2006FM1. In support of his fraudulent demand lawyer Oliver submitted forged Assignment of Mortgage and a Promissory Note which had ZERO chain of Assignment and only accompanied by a separate page with stamped signature of long-bankrupt Executive who did not work for Fremont since 2007.

Lawyer Steven Lindberg prepared Motions which he sent to a wrong address, as well as all Notices of Sale and Distribution. 

Lawyer William Kalbas brought to the Court a brand-new looking document without ANY chain of assignment, and presented it as "original". When I demanded a copy of this document from Kalbas before the hearing, he failed to provide it to me. 

On December 4, 2013 this purportedly "original document" was criminally concealed by Judge Robert E. Senechalle, Jr. who refused to provide me a copy if it; and withheld the main evidence based on which he entered an adverse decision  from my  Case records, As of today nobody ever was able to provide me a copy of this document, based on which Judge Senechalle extorted my property in favor of Wells Fargo bank, who operates a  foreclosure mill in Senechalle's  and Cook County Court

Judge Senechalle failed to disclose his family's  connections with Mr. Madigan, whose daughter Lisa Madigan received $2 BILLION from National Mortgage Settlement to help IL citizens in distress. Based on my observation, at least $1.3 BILLION are disappeared and I believe were diverted by Madigan's clout, while their bought judges help to cover for this loss from the bench.

Judge Senechalle  failed to disclose that his son, Peter, was Mr. Madigan's political aid between 1998-2005 (when Robert E. Senechalle obtained his judicial seat through "Madigan's List"; and who currently works as a lawyer for Securities and Exchange Committee while Wells Fargo bank sells  illegal US Securities on foreign exchange markets, with total impunity. 

Judge Senechalle also failed to disclose that his brother-in-law Julian D'Esposito, Jr. was a Mayer Brown LLP top partner. Worth to mention, Mayer Brown LLP represented Wells Fargo bank in my case which Judge Senechalle handled in the most corrupt and criminal manner, as well as in many other cases.

From 2013 to present time  I filed numerous complaints with Lisa Madigan to investigate Wells Fargo bank and Judge Senechalle corruption, including 5 complaints between March -June 2017.  ZERO respond from Lisa Madigan. 

In order to cover for his criminality, Judge Senechalle entered into a criminal conspiracy agreement with State Attorney Assistant Michael I. O'Malley who works for Real Estate Tax division (where Mr. Madigan racks millions in legal fees lowering property taxes to his friends and clients while IL citizens property taxes skyrocketed). 

Lawyer O'Malley, who just lost his judicial election,was surely aware of Judge Senechalle's beneficial connections with Mr. Madigan, when appeared during his taxpayers funded hours at the public hearing where he impersonated as "criminal prosecutor" who suppose to hold me in "contempt" because I lawfully challenged Judge Senechalle's void Order. 

I many times filed complaints with ARDC and  Jerome Larkin;  and provided substantial evidence of Wells Fargo bank, judges and their lawyers crimes in the Court. 

Larkin completely ignored my complaints, including my demand to investigate Real Estate Tax Bureau lawyer O'Malley's  stunt with appearance as "criminal prosecutor" at the public hearing to which O'Malley has absolutely no relation. For any person with common  O'Malley was counting a vote for Associate Judge from Senechalle, with aid from Madigan. 

I am not surprised about Larkin's ignorance (read: support to corruption). 

Based on public records, Mr. Madigan had a political  aid named "JULIA LARKIN",  whom I believe to be a daughter to Jerome Larkin, or his niece.

Multitasking Julia Larkin not only helped Mr. Madigan with his political agenda, where  she was many times criticized for corruption, BUT also handled Mr. Madigan's PERSONAL real estate tax business. According to Mrs. Julia Larkin resume and her OWN words, he job for Speaker Madigan included  Reviewing wide range of complex documentation including but not limited to property tax documentation, 

As we all  know, property taxes have very little to do with her job as elections coordinator, but directly related to Mr. Madigan's personal legal practice. . 

So, clearly Mrs. Larkin received handsome $53K from IL taxpayers working as a free supporter to Mr. Madigan private law practice.  I have attached her resume  below. No surprise that Mr. Madigan's law firm is so small - he has plenty of free for him help  from his publicly-funded  aids, so no need to spend personal funds on his own personnel's paychecks. 

So, it is a little surprise that Mr. Jerome Larkin  zealously covered for corrupt banks and their  lawyers whom he repeatedly refused to investigate while attacked and disbarred those ethical attorneys who expose judicial and public corruption. 

Moreover, attorney Ken Ditkowski conducted a very detailed research which suggests that Jerome Larkin is involved into a scheme of unjust enrichment (commonly known as "bribery") and reasonably expects that his cronies, Lisa Madigan and her father, will cover for his misconduct, in the same manner as he helped them to cover for their.  See below. 

Best regards,
Elena Fedorova

PS according to public records, a person named Julia Larkin, 38, was arrested on June 3, 2017.  I suspect that this is the same Julia Larkin, as above, but don;t know that was the charge,

In any event, its about time to investigate Julia and Jerome Larkin  for corruption

Julia Larkin mugshot picture

Research by lawyer  Ken Ditkowski:

Jerome Larkin, the Administrator of the ARDC and the individual who has signed the complaint against Ken Ditkowsky, has funneled several million dollars through his property in the last ten years. For example, Larkin took out a loan for $450,000 in December of 2001 and paid it back in exactly five years. In the meantime, he had taken out another $450,000 loan—in October of 2006, which he paid back in just a tad over four years, in January of 2011. In the meantime, he had taken out yet another mortgage—this one for $101,000—in November of 2009, which he was miraculously able to repay in just about a year.
But his unusual loan behavior doesn’t stop here. In January of 2011, Larkin took out a whopping $750,000 mortgage on the same piece of property. Larkin must have a direct line to lottery bucks, because he was able to repay this loan by January of 2013.
In the meantime . . . are you getting the picture yet? . . . he took out another $750,000 loan in December of 2012.
Neither Jerome Larkin nor his wife, psychologist Antoinette Krakowski responded to telephone inquiries concerning the amount of money being funneled through their home." 


" Political Mafia King Michael Madigan, the Sugar Daddy for Princess Lisa and Party Girl Stephanie Kifowit, has an army of mostly Chicago-based thugs that carry out his misconduct against taxpayers across Illinois.
However, the worst part is that YOU pay for most of them.

Yes, you pay for their taxpayer-funded positions, salaries and luxury pensions.  While most people aren't allowed to officially drift off from their government jobs and work on political campaigns, in the land of the political mafia, it's been made legal..."coincidentally" by the same political mafia.

They go "off" their government jobs and go "on" if they aren't needed during political campaigns, why are they needed at all?  Well, taxpayers don't need them, but the political mafia needs them.

So, who are some of the Madigoons directly responsible for the sleaze, lies, thefts, trash and extreme misconduct being spread at a cost of almost a MILLION DOLLARS on behalf of Stephanie Kifowit in Aurora, Naperville, Oswego and Montgomery?

Let's meet just a few of Madigoons (there's many more):

JULIA LARKIN (taxpayer-funded Madigoon who is temporarily assigned as field coordinator and campaign manager for Kifowit) - 300 N. State St. #2732, Chicago, IL 60654"

Julia Larkin (source: LinkedIn. 
Director, Advocacy and Government Relations for Presence Health
Chicago, Illinois
Government Relations
  1. Presence Health
  1. Democratic Party of Illinois,
  2. Office of Speaker Michael J. Madigan, Illinois House of Representatives
  1. Loyola University Chicago
90 connections
Director, Advocacy and Government Relations
January 2017 – Present (6 months)
  • Campaign Manager, Head of Candidate Recruitment, Head of Opposition Research
Democratic Party of Illinois
June 2008 – January 2017 (8 years 8 months)
Campaign Manager for State Representative Campaigns
• Responsible for overseeing all aspects of nine different state representative campaigns including hiring and training staff, building field plan, developing strategic message, designing print and electronic advertisements, fundraising, budgeting and volunteer coordination. 
• Organizing voter outreach programs including direct mail, door to door canvassing, social media outreach and Election Day get out the vote programs. 
• Preparing candidates for events and press interaction including speech writing and debate preparation.
• Coordinating with labor unions and other interests groups to combine electioneering efforts.

Head of Candidate Recruitment 
• Managing party staff on extensive candidate recruitment efforts throughout the state.
• Performed extensive outreach to community groups, elected officials and individuals in many different areas of the state in order to identify and mentor potential candidates.
• Worked with potential candidates to prepare them for running for office and supervised their initial activities including collecting petitions to get on the ballot, practice fielding questions from the press, and engaging the candidates in an aggressive field plan immediately upon committing to run for office.

Head of Opposition Research
• Managing party staff to meet strict deadlines to assemble detailed reports on all public aspects of candidates and opponents.
• Reviewing wide range of complex documentation including but not limited to property tax documentation, meeting minutes, periodicals and legal briefs with attention to extreme detail and a high level of discretion.
  • Legislative Coordinator, Issues Development Staff
Office of Speaker Michael J. Madigan, Illinois House of Representatives
June 2007 – January 2017 (9 years 8 months)
• Work to pass legislative priorities for Democratic caucus leadership.
• Run operations on the floor for the House of Representatives including conducting roll calls on priority legislation and managing the day-to-day activity on the floor.
• Supervise all committee staff work, ensuring that staff understands the legislation posted to committee, committees run smoothly and priority legislation for the caucus passes out of committee.
• Oversee staff development of new legislative ideas, work with legislators on developing legislative agendas and priorities, and coordinate development, drafting and filing of legislation for all members of the House Democratic caucus.
• Help members and staff draft and file necessary amendments to keep legislation moving forward.
• Work with advocates and interest groups on drafting and finding sponsors for key legislation.
• Oversee the Executive Committee and staff other special committees including the Violence Prevention Task Force.
• Analyze all legislation filed to identify legislation that would be advantageous for members to sign on as co-sponsors, as well as to identify legislation that would be problematic for some members to support.
• Direct and assist a number of State Representatives with their day-to-day operations including organizing constituent outreach programs, writing press releases and media advisories, managing press conferences, drafting additional documents such as fliers, pamphlets and legislative newsletters.
  • Loyola University Chicago
Bachelor of Arts, Political Science
2003 – 2007

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