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Monday, August 27, 2018

Reinstatement Back to the Chicago Transit Authority1


 Today at 6:55 AM
Attention Chief Dorval Carter, Jr.

1.) Furthermore, because Boyd is aware of all the judges responsible for “Fixing” Petitioner Joe Louis Lawrence’s Bogus Paternity case 88 D 079012 when it was Dismissed September 17, 1987, and CTA case makes him furthermore untouchable by any Cook County Official because of the dirt and credible knowledge he has on all parties as his former attorney not even Timothy C. Evans, Chief Judge, Kim Foxx, States Attorney et al.  
2.)    That Page 9 Par 25  of Gr Ex A states, “That no African American, Latino or otherwise in authority have any real authority over Caucasians in the Democratic party this has already been admitted to throughout said pleadings prepared by the Complainant”;

3.) See the Motion for Disqualification of Judge William S. Boyd how conflicts of interests and "Fraud" is synonymous with men or women in the Democratic Party lacking the aptitude or necessary qualifications for any position they may be in to win cases in a litigious manner or Discriminate whichever they deem appropriate satisfying their agendas. See Page 3 Pars A-E.

4.) See Page 11 Par 12 "Jim Crow Laws" are still being enacted and enforced in Chicago, Illinois  

5.) The Most important document filed in the Seventh Circuit corroborating inferior black judges and racist judges engaging in diabolical crimes with the CTA, hereto attached, Motion to Supplement Petition for Review that Corroborates Judicial Extortion et al. See Page 7 Par A-B, Pages 8-9 Pars C-K unequivocally demonstrating a former CTA attorney Ronald Bartkowicz violating his oath engaging in heinous Criminal Civil Rights Violations using his robe and abusing his judicial authority by manufacturing a bogus warrant for a corrupt police woman so that the CTA can get out of paying to me my lost wages due to being off work with a work-related injury, that CTA administrators stole.

6.) August 20, 2014 letter to International President Larry Hanley;

7.) August 20, 2014 letter to International President Larry Hanley where Javier Perez requested that, I fax a medical statement to him because the CTA never received proof or had knowledge of a medical statement clearing me to return to work without that medical documentation there is basically nothing the union can do to help.
   A- Said medical statement was faxed expediently with the confirmation, the union never ever contacted me.

8.) July 10, 2014 letter to International President Larry Hanley explaining Keith Hill never contacted me.

9.) March 9, 2011 letter to Darrell Jefferson and Michael Simmons 4th Notice Requesting Reinstatement.
        A- Michael Simmons asked me how was I going to get past all of the judges CTA have in their pocket?
             I told Michael just get my money, I will take care of the judges because it was rumored allegedly Kent Stephen Ray was a whore to the mail judges their was nothing he would'nt do"

        B- Unbeknown to my understanding or knowledge Michael Simmons was in an alleged intimate relationship with Kent Stephan Ray which created a Conflict of Interest corroborating ATU 241 men was in bed with CTA Officials men and today allegedly top union officials are sleeping with white males of the CTA which is why bus operators are misrepresented and grievances ignored as in this case.   

10. Former Chairman Valerie Jarrett tried having me reinstated based upon Paula Wrights discovery of my employment records proving my status as that of a CTA employee but was met by some bullies cowardly males inferior or racist using Democratic Ku Klux Klan tactics trying to make sure no one witnesses the hate and sexist control they have on men in the Democratic Party.

Now sir with this information will you exercise some integrity in having my status reinstated as whole"

P.S. Sir with all of the "Fraudulent" Criminal Civil Rights violations of judges supporting CTA attorneys and employees in a plethora of criminal acts in 1993 case #93 L 10772 I filed a Complaint against the CTA for Wrongful Discharge for $33 Million Dollars.

Kent Stephen Ray came into the court waving his hands in an overwhelming overt homosexual manner exercised a high pitch saying "Your Honor, the Plaintiff here thinks that their is one big grannnnn conspiracy against him, (bucking his eyes at the judge) he claims that he has been discharged, but he has no proof; besides if their is any issue it should be before his union and not here"

I snapped! I objected to everything he said, judge Patrick Mc Gann asked me who do, I think I am filing such a Complaint? He called it garbage and hurdled insults at me got up like he was coming off the bench to jump on me a Black Deputy stood up, the judge couldn't get past him, I don't know how or what kind of magic Ken was working with but that judge acted like he was willing to lose his career to protect him.

What kinda agitated the judge is when, I told him CTA said I was discharged the judge and Ken said in unison that is hearsay, the judge let me have it insulted me for not having any proof wasting the courts time.

A very powerful white judge admired me told me what, I was saying was in fact true but up here things are done differently, he said, "You need a sponsor someone else is suppose to say these things not me" He said your union is supposed to be speaking on your behalf not you, I explained to the judge, I have tried that method no one from the union is speaking up in my behalf.

The judge told me to go back to the union he assured me someone will contact me they spoke to Richard Stomper who was white and learned that, I was a CTA employee through members working in personnel.

By the way, Patrick Mc Gann was demoted to Traffic Court after my experience.

I can have that case reinstated based upon the aforementioned facts if you want to see certain documents that maybe methodically removed from my CTA file they have been scanned in it's entirety in the Cook County database.

Every attorney in this City and State have admitted to everything I have filed in every court as being true!     
Thank you respectfully submitted,

Badge 26115 


·         7 Attachments
·         View all
·         Download all
·         Motion for Disqualification of Judge Boyd for Cause et al Cazembe.doc
·         Motion to Supplement Petition for Reviw that Corroborates Judicial Extortion.doc
·         ATU Int President Larry Hanley.doc
·         ATU Int President Larry Hanley 2.doc
·         Reinstatement Instanter.doc
·         Reinstatement Instanter 4.doc
·         Reinstatement Instanter 4

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