Today I became a victim of aggravated kidnapping orchestrated by corrupt judge Patricia Spratt , who in 2014 lost her election and in 2015 was appointed as a judge thanks to her well-connected husband William J. Bauer who is publicly known as a "Mafia Corruption" Judge since at least 1994!!!as well as Spratt's "donations" to herself in the amount of about $150,000.00 - clearly Spratt bought her seat, with support from her husband Bauer who supervised Justice Theis son as his clerk in Appeal Court. Justice Theis knows how to be grateful to her cronies.
Details of aggravated kidnapping , unlawful seizure and detention in Spratt's Court room by three armed sheriffs, including Spratt's deputy Primm, without ANY probable Cause will be reported in a separate email with details.
In the meanwhile, I once again demand explanation from Illinois Board of Election for how long corrupt cronies of well-connected politicians and friends with Supreme Court families will terrorize Illinois public from the bench and defraud people from honest Services of ethical but not so-well-connected lawyers who cannot be judges because IL Supreme Court sell judicial positions to their friends and cronies.
Here is Spratt's resume posted online - she has TWO uncompleted undergraduate Degrees, obtained her legal degree in the most questionable manner; and lost her 2014 election despite her Chairman was DAN WEBB ($11,700.00 "donation to Spratt (read: to judge Bauer connections) (Webb is a long-time crony of her husband judge Bauer. Yet, Spratt is sitting as a judge and abuses her position of power without limitation, thanks to support from her husband's cronies former Attorney Generals who NEVER saw real corruption in our Court.
Did anyone asked why Operation Greylord was only in Municipal and Criminal Divisions? Because those conducted it planned to practice white collar crime defense before Law Division Judges and help banks in Chancery cases. And Chief Judge Harry Comerford perfectly knew about it.
I will definitely sue crooked judge Spratt for orchestrating an aggravated kidnapping by her armed deputies. I demand an investigation into this matter by appropriate authorities.
We have enough ETHICAL lawyers who want to be judges and who willing to serve IL public, not criminal banks and cronies.
Elena Fedorova
Patricia Spratt. Age: 64
Family: Husband: Judge William J. Bauer
Occupation: Attorney
Education: Northern Illinois University (1967-1969) (no degree conferred)
Loyola University Chicago, University College (1982-1985) (no degree conferred)
Loyola University Chicago School of Law (1987-1991), J.D. (admitted to law school without an undergraduate degree under an early admission program).
Civic involvement: Since 2006 I have been an active member of the PAWS Chicago, Inc., Development Board. PAWS is a Chicago animal welfare organization that operates the city's largest no-kill shelter. I have been a volunteer (2006-present); have co-chaired the annual PAWS "Run for Their Lives" 8K Run/4K Walk for each of the last seven years; and have provided hundreds of hours of pro bono legal assistance to PAWS.

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