It took Dam near 40 years before the TRUTH finally came out the State's Attorney, Francoise Police Officer Hightower never Denied or Objected to any of the factual pleadings presented and most importantly, a SUMMARY JUDGMENT was filed and ignored seeking $50 Million Dollars.
- Plaintiffs have not raised any affirmative
Summary judgment is
appropriate when the pleadings, depositions, admissions and affidavits, viewed
in a light most favorable to the movant or non-movant fail to establish a
genuine issue of material fact, thereby
Entitling the moving party
to judgment as a matter of law.
The purpose of summary
judgment is not to try a question of fact, but simply to determine whether
one exists.
When the party moving for
summary judgment supplies evidentiary facts which, if not contradicted, would
entitle her to judgment, the opposing party cannot rely upon his
non-compliance to Federal Rules of Civil Procedures or a court order or a complaint
or answer if submitted alone to raise issues of material fact. A counter Affidavit
is necessary to refute evidentiary facts properly asserted by affidavit Supporting
the motion or else the facts are deemed admitted.
The Local Rules
provide detailed instructions as to how litigants should approach their summary
judgment motions and responses. Local Rule 56.1(a) provides that a motion
for summary must include a "statement of material facts as to which the
moving party contends there is no genuine issue and that entitle the moving
party to a judgment as a matter of law."
This statement of material facts
"shall consist of short numbered paragraphs, including within each paragraph specific
references to the affidavits, parts of the record, and other supporting
materials relied upon to support the facts set forth in that paragraph." Part (b) of Local Rule 56.1 requires a party opposing
summary for judgment to file a concise response to the movant's statement of
material facts. That statement is required to include a response to each
numbered paragraph in the moving party's statement, including in the case of
any disagreement, "specific references to the affidavits, parts of the
record, and other supporting materials relied upon." The rule is very
clear that "all material facts set forth in the statement required of the
moving party will be deemed admitted unless controverted by the statement of
the opposing party." Local Rule 56.1(b)(3)(B).
In the matter
of Raymond, 442 F. 3d at 606. (7th Cir. 2013) ) The Court, nevertheless, is concerned and
considers the prejudice to Plaintiff for Plaintiff’s counsel’s failure,
particularly because cases should be decided on their merits. Certainly, the
failure to file a response to a summary judgment motion can be fatal. See,
e.g., id at 611.
That the Defendant has met and exceeded the burden required in Fed Rule Civ P. 8 and 9 require
plaintiffs to particularize their allegations of "fraud on the court" in as
short, plain, and direct a way as is reasonable. To comply with these rules,
the Court instructed plaintiffs to set out each judicial proceeding complained
of, allege specific facts that make those proceedings "fraudulent" or
otherwise improper, and name the particular judges and other individuals
involved and the extent of their involvement in each claim of
"fraudulent" or otherwise improper conduct.
That on February 9, upon filing the Default Motion, the Clerk stated that, I had a new judge!
I was happy hearing this but what that Clerk didn't realize is that somebody tried some slick illegal shit, that was passed the case to another judge pretending that the Acting Presiding Judge Regina Scannicchio authorized this transfer she did not.
These People are acting like some street thugs or gangsters now when the Sheriff's came upstairs Friday afternoon on that Hispanic sister because the Black Cashier treated her as if she was a BLACK MAN, that is how they treat Men!
The way that Hispanic woman was treated is indicative how they treat Black Men, I have been emphatic in my pleadings in requesting anybody except a Black Person especially, a Black judge
The Hispanic sister only wanted needed some clarity on how was her case not active when she felt that it was and all Hell broke loose, the Black woman got indignant told her to move out of her window, she requested a supervisor and a Chief Clerk but nobody showed, so another Black woman told the Black woman don't worry, they made a phone call and about 8-9 Deputies showed up after the first one ordered her to move from the window, she politely removed her papers and tried pleading her case but a white or Hispanic Deputy heard her issues.
The energy and deployment of Sheriff's summoned frivolously Friday Feb 9, afternoon is the type of energy needed removing judges and Clerks and Assistant States Attorneys involved in this Child Support Scam because if you look on the computer you will see Judge Chivira is still on the case since Jan 2, 2024 nowhere has this new judge Andrea Webber have been legally assigned.
The reason why, I am familiar with Judge Webber she is one of the Public Defenders, I remember voting for because way too many Assistant States Attorneys get on the bench not really knowing shit about the laws but locking up people of Color.
I believe in my personal opinion Judge Chivira is dating a Black Powerful Woman and shit has gotten to be way too messy, as racist as White Men have been to me in the courts, they at least told me, I was telling the truth or simply had records deleted from the database, this is some Colored People Shit going on here.
This is amplified proof on just how CORRUPT and NEFARIOUS our government has become now that low life's have assumed prominent positions of authority.
I am appealing to everyone reading this post go to Online Case Search, Cook County Database, Domestic Relations case 1988 D 079012 Francoise Hightower v Joe Louis Lawrence----- You will see for the first time someone recorded on the database FUTURE COURT ACTIVITY 3/21/2024, POST DECREE MOTION, CALENDAR 45, JUDGE ANDREA M. WEBBER.
THE Million Dollar question is how in the Hell did the case get assigned to her? What these dumb Asses don't know is that on Thursday Feb. 8, at 1:03 pm, I was on the phone 312 603-5988 talking to Judge Scannicchio's Executive Assistant (Jaime Barcas) telling me she had been trying to contact me, I explained to her that, I replied to her Jan 31 email she couldn't find anything about me, I explained to her that, I called her twice and left voicemails and sent her emails and aske her she wanted me to send her screen shots, she denied them telling me she believed me and asked my availability for Wednesday and Thursday, I explained those days were not good how about Friday? Her rely is 11:00am good?, I said perfect, I asked her who is the judge? Her reply was she was not sure, she named about three people but I don't recall it was no Webber out of the names she mentioned.
See what these dumb Ass people don't know is a few years ago under Dorothy Brown Clerks Black Women would go in and back date a lot of shit for racist white attorneys against Black men in worse case scenarios if that was not possible they would have the cases DELETED or papers removed from the file but with this updated technology and Iris Y. Martinez at the helm, she has always been a woman of immaculate integrity when she had her office on Milwaukee down the street from My Cubano Padrino.
It's no mistake they chose another judge in the basement how's that for coincidence?
Francoise Hightower )
Judge Iris Y. Chivira
) Cal 41
VS )
) No. 88 D
Joe Louis Lawrence )
Respondent ) Room CL-12
Now comes Joe
Louis Lawrence, Counsel Pro Se. in this cause respectfully represents to this
court the reasons and files herewith his Affidavit in support of Motion for
Default Judgment due to “Fraud” of $50 Million Dollars.
That pursuant to Motions accompanied by Affidavits said Plaintiff
and the States Attorney failed to respond to said Respondent’s Petition to Zero
out Child Support due to Assistant States Attorneys Prosecutorial Misconduct et
al. (filed Oct 26, 2023) served on the Petitioners via electronically and
mailed via Priority Tracking #9505-5156-4056-3301-7893- 63 delivered Oct. 28,
2023 at 2:52 pm in the mailbox.
That pursuant to Judge Chivira a former Assistant States Attorney
tried to pretend she was not an attorney for the States Attorney used her
unlawful authority and acted as a “Private Citizen” by violating the Civil
Rights of the Respondent Denied said valid aforementioned Motion that was
properly agreed upon by the ASA via not objecting or denying any of the
That pursuant to a Motion for Disqualification Instanter of Judge
for Cause et al. accompanied by
Affidavits said Plaintiff and the States Attorney failed to respond to said Motion (filed Dec 26, 2023) served on the Petitioners
via electronically and mailed via Priority Tracking #9505-5116-1093-3360-0084- 14
delivered Dec. 28, 2023 at 12:40 pm in the mailbox.
That Colored judges are promoted and Appointed on their abilities
as Democrats Oppressing ethnic groups of Color hereto attached, Gr Ex A, Respondent’s
Motion for Reconsideration Vacate (Feb 5. 2024 Order) Eviction & Rule to
Show Cause et al.
That said judge of Color is following the exact Terrorist
Apartheid ways of Negros Judge Freddrenna Lyle as she came behind highly
qualified judges who Vacated a Foreclosure/ and Sale of said home in 2009 and affirmed by the
Appellate Court 2010 she allowed racist bank attorneys of the worse kind to
still come after said home illegally making it 14 years + as judge Freddrenna
Lyle allegedly was paid very well by Bank Officials and was PROMOTED to the
Appellate Court for her egregious crimes on senior citizens of Color not
fearing any admonishments because her crimes were on ethnic groups of her hue
and not of Irish or Polish ethnicity.
That hereto attached Gr Ex B, 4 Re Noticed Motions filed Feb. 7, 2024
demonstrating the due-diligence said Retired Senior Citizens who is having to
deplete their pensions and savings fighting to keep their home as heartless
judges and racism working intimately in said Diabolical Mortgage Foreclosure Criminal
Pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/2-610 where
allegations of complaint are not denied, there is admission of all facts
well-pleaded by adversary, and such admission, drawn from failure to plead, may
be considered as evidence. Hecht v. Hecht, App. 1 Dist. 1977, 7 Ill. Dec.
169, 49 Ill. App. 3d 334, 364 N.E. 2d 330.
Pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/2-612 Counsel never
Objected to the sufficiency of Petitioners pleadings, Objections to sufficiency
of pleadings either in form or substance must be made In trial court, and if
not so made, they will be considered waived and cannot be raised for the first
time on appeal. People ex rel. Deynes v. Harris, App. 1948, 77 N.E. 2d
439, 333 Ill. App. 280.
Defendant has due-diligently called and emailed Jaime Barcus on numerous occasions
and as recently Feb 8, 2024 at 312 603-5988 (5 mins 32 sec) she stated that she
had been trying to email the Defendant but he explained he only received 1
email on Jan 31, 2024 and the only email, she stated that she was trying to get
a judge for Friday Feb 16, 2024 at 11:00 am Defendant agreed to that time.
10. The United States Supreme Court recently
acknowledged the judicial corruption in Cook County, when it stated that Judge
"Maloney was one of many dishonest judges exposed and convicted through
'Operation Greylord', a labyrinthine federal investigation of judicial
corruption in Chicago". Bracey v. Gramley, case
No. 96-6133 (June 9, 1997).
judges who do not report the criminal activities of other judges become
principals in the criminal activity, 18 U.S.C. Section 2, 3 & 4, and since
no judges have reported the criminal activity of the judges who have been
convicted, the other judges are as guilty as the convicted judges.
In the 20th century, the Supreme Court began to
overturn Jim Crow laws on constitutional grounds. In Buchanan v. Warley 245 US 60 (1917), the
court held that a Kentucky law could not require residential segregation. The Supreme Court
in 1946, in Irene Morgan v. Virginia ruled segregation in
interstate transportation to be unconstitutional, in an application of the commerce
clause of the Constitution. It was not until 1954 in Brown v. Board of
Education of Topeka 347 US 483 that the court held that separate facilities
were inherently unequal in the area of public schools, effectively overturning Plessy
v. Ferguson, and outlawing Jim Crow in other areas of society as well. This
landmark case consisted of complaints filed in the states of Delaware (Gebhart
v. Belton); South Carolina (Briggs
v. Elliott); Virginia (Davis v. County
School Board of Prince Edward County); and Washington,
D.C. (Spottswode Bolling v. C. Melvin Sharpe).
These decisions, along with other cases such as McLaurin v. Oklahoma State
Board of Regents 339 US 637 (1950), NAACP
v. Alabama 357 US 449 (1958), and Boynton v. Virginia 364 US 454 (1960),
slowly dismantled the state-sponsored segregation imposed by Jim Crow laws.
document is like Drano of a special kind eradicating years of human defecation
(corruption) clogging up the Illinois court system for at least 50 years or
ILL. App. (1st Dist. 2000).
A “VOID JUDGEMENT OR ORDER” is one that is entered by a court lacking
jurisdiction over the parties or the subject matter, or lacking the inherent
power to enter the particular order of judgment, or where the order was
procured by FRAUD- in re Adoption of E.L., 248 ILL. Dec. 171, 733 N.E. 2d 846,
315 ILL. App. 3d 137- Judgm 7, 16, 375.
Agreement to commit an unlawful act, which
constitutes the essence of a conspiracy, is a distinct evil that exist and be
punished whether or not the substantive crime ensues.-Id.
Conspiracy poses a threat to the public
over and above the threat of the commission of the relevant substantive crime,
both because the combination in crime makes more likely the commission of other
crimes and because it decreases the part from their path of criminality.-Id.
Fraud maybe inferred from nature of acts complained of, individual and
collective interest of alleged conspirators, situation, intimacy, and relation
of parties at time of commission of acts, and generally all circumstances
preceding and attending culmination of claimed conspiracy Illinois Rockford Corp. V. Kulp,
1968, 242 N.E. 2d 228, 41 ILL. 2d 215.
Conspirators to be guilty of offense
need not have entered into conspiracy at same time or have taken part in all
its actions. People V. Hardison, 1985, 911 Dec. 162, 108.
Requisite mens rea elements of conspiracy are satisfied upon showings of
agreement of offense with intent that offense be committed; Actus reas element is satisfied of act in furtherance of agreement People
V. Mordick, 1981, 50
Supreme Court Rule [137]
provides in pertinent part:
If a pleading, motion, or other
paper is signed in violation of this Rule, the court, upon motion or upon its
own initiative, may impose upon the person who signed it , a represented party,
or both, an appropriate sanction, which may include an order to pay to the
other party or parties the amount of reasonable expenses incurred because of
the filling of the pleading, motion, or other paper, including a reasonable
attorney fee. Not only will the courts consider an award of sanctions for
active false statements: failures to disclose material facts to the court can
also justify an award of sanctions.
Morrison, No. 1-9-1670, 1992 Ill App. LEXIS 2144 (1st Dist. Dec. 30,
1992). Additionally, the fact that a false statement or omission is the result
of an honest mistake is no defense to entry of a sanction. ID. To the extent
that an individual lawyer has engaged in sanctionable conduct, that lawyer’s
firm can also be jointly and severally liable with the lawyer.
End of de jure segregation
In January 1964, President Lyndon
Johnson met with civil rights leaders. On January 8, during his first State of the Union address, Johnson asked
Congress to "let this session of Congress be known as the session which
did more for civil rights than the last hundred sessions combined." On
June 21, civil rights workers Michael
Schwerner, Andrew Goodman, and James
Chaney, disappeared in Neshoba County, Mississippi. The three
were volunteers aiding in the registration of African-American voters as part
of the Mississippi Summer Project. Forty-four
days later, the Federal Bureau of Investigation
recovered their bodies, which had been buried in an earthen dam. The Neshoba
County deputy sheriff, Cecil Price and 16 others, all Ku Klux
Klan members, were indicted for the crimes; seven were convicted.
A judge’s disrespect for the
rules of court demonstrates disrespect for the law. Judges are disciplined
under Canon 2A for violating court rules and procedures. Judged ignored
mandated witness order in attempt to accommodate witnesses’ schedules; Citing
Canon 2A the court noted, “[a] court’s indifference to clearly stated rules
breeds disrespect for and discontent with our justice system. Government can
not demand respect of the laws by its citizens when its tribunals ignore those
very same laws”)
Commentary to Canon 2 offers a test for
the appearance of impropriety: “whether the conduct would create in reasonable
minds a perception that the judge’s ability to carry out judicial
responsibilities with integrity, impartiality and competence is impaired.” ABA
Model Code of Judicial Conduct, Commentary to Canon 2A, paragraph 2 (1990). A
reference to the Commentary under 2C alerts one to the fact that the appearance
of impropriety can also be created by a judge’s membership in or knowing
approval of organizations that engage in invidious discrimination.
because of the number of years Defendant have been harmed by said Civil Rights
Violations and no one objected to said assertions put before this tribunal, Defendant
is seeking $50 million dollars Smith v. Wade, 461 U.S. 30, 35, 103 S. Ct. 1625,
1629, 75 L Ed 2d 632 (1983) Justice Brennen “The threshold standard for
allowing punitive damages for reckless or callous indifference applies even in
a case, such as here, where the underlying standard of liability for
compensatory damages because is also one of recklessness. There is no merit to
petitioner’s contention that actual malicious intent should be the standard for
punitive damages because the deterrent purposes of such damages would be served
only if the threshold for those damages is higher in every case than the
underlying standard for liability in the first instance. The common-law rule is
otherwise, and there is no reason to depart from the common-law rule in the
context of {1983}”
Under penalties as provided by
law pursuant to 735 1265 5\1-109, the undersigned certifies that the statements
set forth in this instrument are true and correct, except as to matters therein
stated to be on information and belief and as to such matters, the undersigned
certifies as aforesaid that he verily believes the same to be true.
Respectfully submitted,
Joe Louis Lawrence
aforementioned reasons Defendant
respectfully Prays:
For the Relief of
Default Judgment $50 Million Dollars
Order Remand on every
party complicit in said conspiracy
Impose Sanctions on
any other Parties and any other members complicit in said conspiracies;
Invoke any Sanctions
and all remedies not mentioned this court deems just;
Order the Chicago
Transit Authority to REINSTATE his Position back as whole due to the egregious
conspiracies culminating into CHILD SUPPORT SCAM & COVER-UP as Judge Ronald
Bartkowicz admitted in a Court Order of unlawfully Remanding Defendant on a
Bogus Warrant as he a former CTA attorney was covering up his “Good ol Boys” Brethren
who stole said wages while off work injured on duty.
Order Francoise to
return his stimulus check of $2000 and every dime she collected from him
illegally Instanter
Under penalties as provided by law pursuant to
735 1265 5\1-109, the undersigned certifies that the statements set forth in
this instrument are true and correct, except as to matters therein stated to be
on information and belief and as to such matters, the undersigned certifies as
afore said that he verily believes the same to be true.
Respectfully Submitted,
Joe Louis Lawrence,
Counsel Pro Se
Francoise Hightower )
Judge Iris Y. Chivira
) Cal 41
VS )
) No. 88
D 079012
Joe Louis Lawrence )
Respondent ) Room CL-12
OF $50
Million Dollars
Please be advised that on Feb.
9, 2024 Defendant has filed before this Circuit Court, Motion for Default
Judgment of $50 Million Dollars; and will present said legally sufficient
instrument before the proper Judge who is presiding on this matter Feb at 10:30 via Zoom.
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 84376080114
Password: 086627
Dial In Number: 312-626-6799
I Joe Louis Lawrence, Counsel Pro Se Defendant,
certify that I have on this day deposited said Notice and Motion to all parties
recorded in said Notice via regular mail/electronic delivery.
Governor JB Pritzker
To: Hon. Iris Y. Chivira
L.B. Hightower-Belmer 1152 West 102nd Street Chg. Il. 60643-2353
Cook County State’s Attorney
Chief Judge Timothy C. Evans
Cook County Sheriff’s
Tom Dart
The Crusader Newspaper Group
Managing Editor Sharon Fountain
State Police
Illinois State Police
Respectfully, Submitted,
Louis Lawrence
Pro Se
Post Office Box 490075
Ill 60649
The undersigned hereby
certifies that the above notice and all attachments were caused to be emailed
electronically and mailed, to the above parties at the addresses provided
before 5:00 pm on February 9, 2024.
Respectfully Submitted,
Joe Louis Lawrence, Counsel Pro Se
Hightower )
Judge Iris Y. Chivira
) Cal 41
VS )
) No. 88 D 079012
Joe Louis
Lawrence )
Respondent ) Room CL-12
I Joe Louis Lawrence, Counsel Pro Se being duly sworn on
oath states the aforementioned pleadings enumerated within said motion pursuant
to 735 1265 5/1-109, the undersigned certifies that the statements set forth in
this instrument are true
and correct, except as to matters therein stated to be on information and
belief and as to such matters, the undersigned certifies as aforesaid that he
verily believes the same to be true.
Respectfully Submitted
Joe Louis Lawrence
Francoise Hightower )
Judge Iris Y. Chivira
) Cal 41
VS )
) No. 88 D
Joe Louis Lawrence )
Respondent ) Room CL-12
THIS CAUSE coming to be heard on Respondent’s Motion for Disqualification Instanter of judge et al. A.S.A. Tina
Harris appeared in open Court on behalf of Petitioner, Court having read
the Motion accompanied with Affidavit Petitioner being fully advised in the
- This Court has
jurisdiction of the subject matter.
- Defendant’s Motion to Disqualify
Judge Chivira for Cause Instanter is GRANTED and the Court Order of Nov.
28, 2023 is Vacated.
- The Ill. Dept of
Healthcare and Family Services being represented by the State/ ASA Tina
Harris appearing and not Objecting/Denying any of the merits of Defendant’s
Motion accompanied with Affidavit
- That on allegations of the
Motion of other parties complicit in an alleged Criminal Enterprise
Conspiracy: It is Ordered: That
the Attorney Registration & Disciplinarian Commission to invoke
jurisdiction and Investigate Assistant States Attorney and any and all
other Attorneys in this matter and the Judicial Inquiry Board to investigate
matters involving Judge Chivira and any other judges complicit in these
egregious sinister acts.
- That because the Petitioner and allegations of her being a Police
Officer and Respondent having been Remanded into Custody 5 times on allegations
of child support:
A- It is Ordered: The Attorney General Kwame
Raoul and State Executive Inspector General Diane Saltoun, States Attorney Kim
Foxx shall investigate all parties and bring them to justice everyone involved.
B- It is Ordered: Explain in specific detail
when the Respondent was found to be the father or if not, any DNA/Paternity
tests, the method of service had bringing him before the court’s jurisdiction.
C- It is Ordered: Explain how is it the State
Child Support Enforcement Agency began representing a Police Officer and
arrearage orders having been set; whereby, Tycee Laqita Hightower was an adult
and no records of her initiating any actions against the Respondent ( alleged
D- It is Ordered: That because of the
egregious allegations of Assistant States Attorney Tina Harris involvement as
an Officer of the Court and not bringing to the courts attention she is BARRED
from practicing law in the Domestic Relations Division, until an investigation
is completed determining her fate in this matter.
E- It is Ordered: That a forensic accountant
ascertain how much money Petitioner (Francoise Hightower) collected from the
Respondent from all of his employers make sure that the CTA records show the
beginning until the end.
F- It is Ordered: That Director of the State
Police Brendan F. Kelly investigate and ascertain
how a Chicago Police Officer managed to use her Police authority and have a
State Agency Child Support Enforcement to act as her Private Attorney involving
many State employees in this alleged Criminal Enterprise.
- It is Ordered: That
Respondent’s Motion for Summary Judgment (filed Dec 4, 2023) seeking $50
Million Dollars and Petition to Zero out child support due to Assistant
States Attorneys Prosecutorial Misconduct et al (filed Oct 26, 2023) shall be set by the next judge whom
random selection of a judge via the Clerks office can be gleaned and assigned
to determine the Hearing on both Motions unabated.
- It is Ordered: That
upon the signing date of this order all parties shall have 30 days from
that date to comply and present its finding before the next court date.
“No one is above the Law”, citing a 1928
decision by Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis Olmstead v. United States, 277 U.S. 438 (1928),
“We must subject government officials to the
same rules of conduct that we expect of the citizen. The very existence of the
government is imperiled if it fails to observe the law scrupulously. As
Brandeis puts it, "if the government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds
contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites
anarchy. To declare that in the administration of the criminal law the end
justifies the means—to declare that the government may commit crimes in order
to secure the conviction of a private criminal—would bring terrible
retribution. Against that pernicious doctrine this court should resolutely set
its face."
Joe Louis Lawrence
Counsel Pro Se
Post Office Box 490075
Chicago, Ill 60649
312 965-6455
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Thank you.
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