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Saturday, February 6, 2016


The Judge outright DENIED every unopposed Motions with Affidavits where all of the attorneys admitted to my pleadings proving Racial Discrimination, Housing Discrimination and Source Income Violations.

The judge proved his inferior position as a Negroe by helping the whites by lying and helping the white attorneys in granting them extensions of time, ignoring "FRAUD" "PERJURY" and never questioning the unsigned documents (court orders) that was put in front of his face demonstrating racial conspiracies attorneys helping the building managers uphold all type of criminal acts with the judges support!

Negroe judges or police and especially those in political power do not have jurisdiction over whites committing crimes on persons of color, they only enforce laws unlawfully on their own race, THEY ARE ONLY FIGUREHEADS-----THIS IS WHY CHICAGO IS CORRUPT RACIST AND VIOLENT BLACK IRISH OR POLISH ESPECIALLY DO NOT RULE IN FAVOR OF ANY PERSON OF COLOR WHERE CRIMES ARE COMMITTED, THERE ARE SOME LATINOS AND OTHER JUDGES WHO SOMETIMES FIT THE ABOVE CRITERIA.


Civil Rights

civil rights: an overview

A civil right is an enforceable right or privilege, which if interfered with by another gives rise to an action for injury. Examples of civil rights are freedom of speech, press, and assembly; the right to vote; freedom from involuntary servitude; and the right to equality in public places. Discrimination occurs when the civil rights of an individual are denied or interfered with because of their membership in a particular group or class. Various jurisdictions have enacted statutes to prevent discrimination based on a person's race, sex, religion, age, previous condition of servitude, physical limitation, national origin, and in some instances sexual orientation.
The most important expansions of civil rights in the United States occurred as a result of the enactment of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution. The Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery throughout the United States. See U.S. Const. amend. XIII. In response to the Thirteenth Amendment, various states enacted "black codes" that were intended to limit the civil rights of the newly free slaves. In 1868 the Fourteenth Amendment countered these "black codes" by stating that no state "shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of the citizens of the United States... [or] deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, [or] deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." See U.S. Const. amend. XIV. Section Five of the Fourteenth Amendment gave Congress the power by section five of the Fourteenth Amendment to pass any laws needed to enforce the Amendment.
During the reconstruction era that followed, Congress enacted numerous civil rights statutes. Many of these are still in force today and protect individuals from discrimination and from the deprivation of their civil rights. Section 1981 of Title 42 (Equal Rights Under the Law) protects individuals from discrimination based on race in making and enforcing contracts, participating in lawsuits, and giving evidence. See 42 U.S.C. § 1981. Other statutes, derived from acts of the reconstruction era, that protect against discrimination include: Civil Action for Deprivation of Rights (See 42 U.S.C. § 1983); Conspiracies to Interfere With Civil Rights (See 42 U.S.C. § 1985); Conspiracy Against Rights of Citizens (See 18 U.S.C. § 241); Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law, (See 18 U.S.C. § 242); The Jurisdictional Statue for Civil Rights Cases (See 28 U.S.C. § 1443); and Peonage Abolished (See 42 U.S.C. § 1994).
The most prominent civil rights legislation since reconstruction is the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Decisions of the Supreme Court at the time limited Congressional enforcement of the 14th Amendment to state, rather than individual, action. (Since 1964 the Supreme Court has expanded the reach of the 14th Amendment in some situations to individuals discriminating on their own). Therefore, in order to reach the actions of individuals, Congress, using its power to regulate interstate commerce, enacted the Civil Rights Act of 1964 under Title 42, Chapter 21 of the United States Code. Discrimination based on "race, color, religion, or national origin" in public establishments that have a connection to interstate commerce or are supported by the state is prohibited. See 42 U.S.C. § 2000a. Public establishments include places of public accommodation (e.g., hotels, motels, and trailer parks), restaurants, gas stations, bars, taverns, and places of entertainment in general. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and subsequent legislation also declared a strong legislative policy against discrimination in public schools and colleges which aided in desegregation. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination in federally funded programs. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits employment discrimination where the employer is engaged in interstate commerce. Congress has passed numerous other laws dealing with employment discrimination. See Employment Discrimination.
The judiciary, most notably the Supreme Court, plays a crucial role in interpreting the extent of the civil rights, as a single Supreme Court ruling can alter the recognition of a right throughout the nation. Supreme Court decisions can also affect the manner in which Congress enacts civil rights legislation, an occurence that occurred with the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The federal courts have been crucial in mandating and supervising school desegregation programs and other programs established to rectify state or local discrimination.

1.)   On today's Motion call the judge heard evidence where 345 East Ohio and K2 had been served properly and were in Default, I presented an Affidavit from Dorothy Brown showing 345 East Ohio, CHA, 420 East Ohio and City of Chicago, Commission on Human Relations were served summons personally.

2.)   He also had the green receipt showing Frank Fiorentino signed for the summons at 345 East Ohio the attorney told the judge they thought this was a Civil Suit and not an Administrative Hearing Case------The judge asked me to explain how is it 345 East Ohio was a part of this suit?

  I explained to him 345 East Ohio like 420 East Ohio and K2 management were the subject of Housing Discrimination Complaints filed by the Department of Human Rights Commission of Chicago, there were two other buildings 175 North Wacker and Trio.

  Trio and 345 are part of Village Green management the City had evidence of the units not allowing me to move into the buildings because of my skin color where I had credit scores of 716, they went against the Manifest Weight of the Evidence and presented me a court order with no signature which is the subject of "Fraud" somebody from the City had someone to mail to me that the cases against all these parties were Dismissed, trying to cover up the criminal acts lodged in my complaints where CHA was involved as well; however, when I challenged the veracity of the order purportedly sent by an alleged Human Rights Commissioner it went ignored because they are without Contempt Power to act on the allegation is how this matter made it here before Chancery as an Administrative Matter, furthermore, you are aware just last week an attorney Ms Heinz or Hemp was here last week from 345 and you informed her, she was not a part of this extension and Yuleda Joy representing K2 have always been here claiming they were not served.
  This court has the jurisdiction act on the issues presented in the complaint that the City Commission had no jurisdiction on---The City attorney Santos was present and CHA Gen Counsel TB King and 420 had an attorney were in attendance not one person opened their mouths to Object or deny anything, I said in that court, (You could hear a Rat piss on cotton)

  The Judge gestured with an understanding but became noticeably agitated with my response asked the attorney Ms Rahimi how did she know to come to court today since her contention was that they were not served and counsel here, I mean Mr Lawrence has presented me evidence you were in fact served?

   Ms. Rahami said she was not familiar with the name mentioned and that the law firm was receiving service not the building in question we were only coming to court as observers so as to have a legal strategy protecting our clients (This was the worse crock of Shit, I ever heard of), The judge became more agitated said he was about to grant me my motion to her emphatically, asked her in a coaching like manner, "what are you going to do"? she was nervous as HELL! Her reply, can I have 28 days Judge immediately said granted never looking at me asked me how much time do I need to respond? I said 7 days. I'M LIKE WHAT THE FUCK!

   The the judge said he had 3 Motions which, I had no knowledge of and told the judge I was at the mailbox yesterday and there was nothing there from anyone filing anything in the courts, it was a freaking mess nothing happened but it is my understanding, CHA, 420 East Ohio and the City of Chicago Bullshitted the judge did not respond to the 2nd Amended Complaint; thereby again admitting to all facts placing the in DEFAULT---I WONDER HOW MUCH MONEY IS ALLEGEDLY BEING PAID FOR THIS JUDGE TO FIX THIS CASE?
   3.) Last Year, I filed a Motion for Reconsideration (April 21, 2015) with an Affidavit reiterating all of the aforementioned, the judge ignored everything, I said and DENIED my Motion only because of my skin color, for example, Page 6, Par C, Plaintiff responded Page 10, Line 24, Page 11, Lines 1-8 from a court transcript, "No sir, you are incorrect. There were two orders without signatures and without signatures or a stamped seal validating the veracity pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 272, that is the basis of why this matter is brought before this court. And I had challenged the validity of that with the commission. No one signed any orders. As a matter of fact they sent me an order with the wrong date and year.

   4.)  Judge Valderrama acknowledged receiving orders,, Page 12, Lines 10-13 Thank You, I do have----I have seen this, this order denying request for review. And I have read it. Thank You, I am not sure how it ties in though. I've read that document.

   5.)  This judge is demonstrating to everyone how and what he is willing to do to protect and uphold criminal acts in his courtroom not caring who is watching because as a Machine Democrat they are untouchable!


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In Re Racial Discrimination/Source Income Violations
Housing Matters:                                                               
Joe Louis Lawrence                                                               Case # 2015 CH 01670
            Appellant                                                                  HON. F. U. Valderrama       
                                                                                                   Room 2305       
420 East Ohio, Chicago Housing Authority
345 East Ohio, City of Chicago, Commission on Human Relations, K2 Apartments                                                                                             

    Now comes Plaintiff, Joe Louis Lawrence, Counsel Pro Se, in this cause respectfully represents to this Hon Court the reasons for a Prove-up Entering Default judgment & Summary Judgment and files herewith his Affidavit in support for said Motion Moving for Prove-up entering Default et al; Pursuant to Supreme Court Rules & Civil Procedures.    

                                                                                     Respectfully Submitted,    
                                                            Joe Louis Lawrence

                                                            Plaintiff Counsel Pro Se                                                                            
                                                              P.O. Box 490075
                                                                Chicago, Illinois 60649-0075
                                                            312 927-4210
                                                                                 Twitter @joelouis7

I Joe Louis Lawrence, being duly sworn on oath states:

                     1.) CERTIFIED MAIL ISSUED January 30th 2015

4.)  That pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/3-101, et seq. 345 East Ohio, Village Green Management same sequence of numbers except for the last four numbers, #5154 was served via certified mail Feb. 6, 2015, 1:18 pm; Frank Fiorentino.

                A-)  Law firm Gordon & Rees never filed an appearance or answered, or responded to Nov. 2, 2015 court order pursuant to 735 5/2 1301 (d) “if he or she fails to appear after being properly served or, having once appeared, fails to file a timely answer, S.H.A. 735 ILCS 5/2-1301 (d), provides that “{j}udgment by default may be entered for want of an appearance or for failure to plead, but the court may, in either case, require proof of the allegations of the pleadings upon which relief is sought .” In Ameritech Pub. Of Illinois, Inc. v. Hadyeh, 362 Ill. App. 3d56, 298 Ill. Dec 302, 839 N.E. 2d 625 (1st Dist. 2005), a default was entered for failure to answer although an appearance had been filed;
             B-)   That on Jan. 28, 2015 an attorney appeared in court on behalf of 345 East Ohio and was informed by the court she was not a part of the orders parties seeking an extension of time. 
         9.) That pursuant to K2 Management being represented by Cary G. Schiff, attorneys Yuleida Joy, Christopher R. Johnson received Notice and Knowledge of the 2nd Amended Complaint November 30, 2015 and other subsequent Notices of said matter being before the court where Cook County Sheriff served the law firm via Christopher R. Johnson personally;
              A-)    Law firm Cary G. Schiff never filed an appearance or answered, but made numerous court appearances after receiving notice informing the court that they were observers because they had not been served pursuant to 735 5/2 1301 (d) “if he or she fails to appear after being properly served or, having once appeared, fails to file a timely answer, S.H.A. 735 ILCS 5/2-1301 (d), provides that “{j}judgment by default may be entered for want of an appearance or for failure to plead, but the court may, in either case, require proof of the allegations of the pleadings upon which relief is sought .” In Ameritech Pub. Of Illinois, Inc. v. Hadyeh, 362 Ill. App. 3d56, 298 Ill. Dec 302, 839 N.E. 2d 625 (1st Dist. 2005), a default was entered for failure to answer although an appearance had been filed;

A-    That Group Ex E from the 2nd Amended Complaint an Order from the Defendant City of Chicago, Comm. On Human Relations, states “ORDER TO RESPOND AND NOTICE OF POTENTIAL DEFAULT” K2 was to have responded on or before December 29, 2015, said order was absent a signature;

B-   That Defendants having admitted to all facts properly plead in Gr Ex G and H validates the veracity of the aforementioned recorded above and within;  

   A.)  Sheriff #01712558 Served Christian T. Novay via corporation 3-9-2015, 11:21am copies of the Amended Petition for Rule to Show Cause et al along with an Amended Request for Review et al. Counsel never Objected or responded to the $25 Million Dollar Demand.

   B.)  Sheriff #01712560 Served Christopher R. Johnson personal service 3-12-2015, 10:20am, copies of the Amended Petition for Rule to Show Cause et al along with an Amended Request for Review et al. Counsel never objected or responded to the $25 Million Dollar Demand K2 has Defaulted twice on a $3 Million Dollar Default before the Human Relations Commission.

       12.)  That Defendants with vexatious Contempt for the laws did not request leave of the court in which to file a late response and has Defaulted whereby, Summary Judgment is being sought on the claims presented before the court, defendants have not raised any affirmative defenses or responded to any documents filed before the courts due to its veracity.    

Summary Judgment is appropriate when the pleadings, depositions, admissions and affidavits, viewed in a light most favorable to the nonmovant, fail to establish a genuine issue of material fact, thereby entitling the moving party to judgment as a matter of law. 735 ILCS 5/2-1005; Progressive Universal Ins. Co. v Liberty Mut. Fire Ins. Co., 215 Ill.2d 121, 127-28 (2005). The purpose of summary judgment is not to try a question of fact, but simply to determine whether one exists, Jackson v. TLC Assoc., Inc., 185 Ill. 2d 418, 423 (1998). A trial court is required to construe the record against the moving party and may only grant summary judgment if the record shows that the movant’s right to relief is clear and free from doubt. Id. If disputes as to material facts exist or if reasonable minds may differ with respect to the inferences drawn from the evidence, summary judgment may not be granted.

Properly alleged facts within an affidavit that are not contradicted by counter affidavit are taken as true, despite the existence of contrary averments in the adverse party’s pleadings. Professional Group Travel, Ltd. v. Professional Seminar Consultants Inc., 136 ILL App 3d 1084, 483 N.E. 2d 1291; Buzzard v. Bolger, 117 ILL App 3d 887, 453 N.E. 2d 1129 et al.

When the party moving for summary judgment supplies evidentiary facts which, if not contradicted, would entitle him to judgment, the opposing party cannot rely upon his complaint or answer alone to raise issues of material fact. Smith v. St. Therese Hospital, 106 Ill.  App. 3d 268, 270 (2d Dist. 1982). A counter affidavit is necessary to refute evidentiary facts properly asserted by affidavit supporting the motion or else the facts are deemed admitted. Barber-Colman Co. A And K Midwest Insulation Co. 236 Ill.  App. 3d 1065, 1078 (5th Dist. 1992).   

                                       FURTHER AFFIANTH SAYETH NAUGHT

Under penalties as provided by law pursuant to 735 1265 5\1-109, the undersigned certifies that the statements set forth in this instrument are true and correct, except as to matters therein stated to be on information and belief and as to such matters, the undersigned certifies as aforesaid that he verily believes the same to be true.

                                                                                          Joe Louis Lawrence

                                                                      Plaintiff/Counsel Pro Se

WHEREFORE the aforementioned reasons Plaintiff respectfully Prays for the Relief

1.)  For an Order Entering Judgment Prove-up Defaulting the Defendants Granting Summary Judgment Instanter;

That because of the heinous acts Plaintiff have been harmed by said Civil Rights Violations and no one objected to said assertions put before any tribunal, and the number of City personnel and plethora of other conspirators making sure he did move where he desired and numerous Civil Rights Violations, Plaintiff is seeking Summary Judgment $10 Million Dollars as punitive damages; Smith v. Wade, 461 U.S. 30, 35, 103 S. Ct. 1625, 1629, 75 L Ed 2d 632 (1983)  Justice Brennen “The threshold standard for allowing punitive damages for reckless or callous indifference applies even in a case, such as here, where the underlying standard of liability for compensatory damages because is also one of recklessness. There is no merit to petitioner’s contention that actual malicious intent should be the standard for punitive damages because the deterrent purposes of such damages would be served only if the threshold for those damages is higher in every case than the underlying standard for liability in the first instance. The common-law rule is otherwise, and there is no reason to depart from the common-law rule in the context of {1983}”

2.)  For the entry of an Order awarding to the Plaintiff for such other relief and any other relief necessary as equity may require of which this court may deem overwhelmingly just;

Under penalties as provided by law pursuant to 735 1265 5\1-109, the undersigned certifies that the statements set forth in this instrument are true and correct, except as to matters therein stated to be on information and belief and as to such matters, the undersigned certifies as aforesaid that he verily believes the same to be true.

                                                                                                                                   Respectfully Submitted

                                                                              Joe Louis Lawrence
                                                                                        Counsel Pro se

                                       CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

Commander & Chief                            Attorney General of United States
President Barack Obama                                 Eric Holder
The White House                           U.S. Department of Justice
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW            950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500                         Washington, DC 20530-0001

Chicago Housing Authority             Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker LLP
Office of the General Counsel                  Christian T. Novay
Asst Gen Counsel                                  55 West Monroe, Street, Suite 3800 
Maria Sewell Joseph                                 Chicago, Il 60603
60 East Van Buren                                  
Chicago, Ill 60605                                      

TO AAG Tyler Roland          Chief Judge Timothy Evans, Daley Center, Chg., Ill. 60601
         General Law Bureau       Presiding Judge Jacobius, Daley Center, Chg. Ill. 60601
        100 West Randolph Street Suite 1300
        Chicago, Ill. 60601    Clerk of Circuit Court Dorothy Brown, Suite 1001, Chg. Ill.                                           
       States Attorney, Anita Alvarez, Daley Center, Chg. Ill. 60601
       Atty Gen Lisa Madigan, 100 West Randolph, Suite 1300 Chg. Ill. 60601
Sec of State                                                  Asst Deputy Dir Candace Cheffin
Asst Gen Counsel Terrence McConville     60 East Van Buren, 8th floor
100 West Randolph, Suite 500                       Chicago, Ill. 60601
Chicago, Ill. 60601     

CHA Mobility                                             CHA Mobility, HCP Counselors
Chris Klepper, Executive Dir                     Tracey Robinson/Joann Harris
28 East Jackson Blvd.                                    4859 S. Wabash, Suite 2nd Floor 
Chicago, Ill 60604                                          Chicago, Ill. 60615    
CHA Mobility, Real Estate Specialist               Recorder of Deeds
Jessie McDaniel                                                   Karen Yarbrough    
4859 S. Wabash                                                    118 N. Clark, Room 120
Chicago, Ill. 60615                                                Chicago, Ill. 60602

City of Chicago, Department of Buildings       Sabre Investments
Christopher Lynch                                            120 West Madison Street
121 North LaSalle, Room 900                                Chicago, Ill 60601
Chicago, Ill. 60601

Seyfarth & Shaw
Anne D. Harris, Jeffrey K. Ross, Kyle A. Petersen, Sara Eber Fowler Suite 2400
131 South Dearborn
Chicago, IL. 60603

Chicago Housing Authority
Office of the General Counsel, Maria Sewell Joseph, Thomas B. King
60 East Van Buren
Chicago, IL. 60605

Cary G. Schiff & Associates                   Gordon & Rees LLP
Christopher R. Johnson, Yuleida Joy        Lindsay Watson, Christian T. Novay
134 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 1720             1 North Franklin, Suite 800
Chicago, Ill. 60602                                    Chicago, Illinois 60606

Stephan R. Patton, Mary E. Reuther, Rey A. Phillip Santos
Corp Counsel, Deputy Corp. Counsel, Asst Corp Counsel
30 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 800
Chicago, Ill 60602

Courtesy Copies:

 US Attorney                                            FBI   Robert J. Holley
 Zachary T. Fardon                                   2111 West Roosevelt Road
219 S. Dearborn, 5th floor                         Chicago, Ill. 60612
Chicago, Ill. 60604

Bruce Rauner                                     Media Personnel  
100 West Randolph
Chicago, Ill. 60601

Mayor                                            Deputy Regional Adm., Field Office Dir.
Rahm Emanuel                                       Beverly E. Bishop
City Hall                                              77 West Jackson Boulevard
Chicago, Ill. 60601                              Chicago, Ill. 60604

Cook County President                               Cook County Sheriff
Toni Preckwinkle                                            Thomas J. Dart
118 N. Clark, Room 517                         Richard J. Daley Center, Room 701
Chicago, Ill. 60602                                        Chicago, Ill. 60602

Hearing Officer CHA
Frederick Bates
60 East Van Buren, Suite 900
Chicago, Il 60605

Jessica Mallon, Gen Counsel CHA                    Roy Martinez Manager 420 East Ohio
60 East Van Buren                                                  420 East Ohio
Chicago, Ill 60601                                                   Chicago, Ill. 60611

Eve Aywaz, Sales Consultant                                   Sarah Aredia, Leasing Consultant
345 East Ohio                                                        420 East Ohio
Chicago, Ill. 60611                                                   Chicago, Ill. 60611  

John-Paul Loseto, Executive Manager                    
345 East Ohio                                                      Leo High School Terra London 
Chicago, Ill. 60611                                                  7901 S. Sangamon
                                                                                Chicago, Ill. 60620                                                                                                                   

Hon Dick Durbin                                 Hearing Officer CHA
525 South 8th St.                                      
Springfield, Ill. 62703                           60 East Van Buren, Suite 900
                                                                Chicago, Ill. 60605

Father Pfleger                                         Alderman David Moore 17th ward
St. Sabina                                                  Chicago, IL. 60620
1210 West 78th Pl.
Chicago, IL. 60620

Alderman Ed Burke
2650 West 51st Street 302
Chicago, Il 60632

                PLEASE BE ADVISED that on January 29th, 2015, A Motion Moving for Prove-Up Defaulting the Defendants with Summary Judgment has been filed with the Circuit Court of Cook County and said copy have been delivered or emailed to the applicable parties;

                                                             Respectfully Submitted

                                                                 Joe Louis Lawrence Counsel Pro Se
                                                                           PO Box 490075
                                                                      Chicago, Ill. 60649-0075
                                                                          312 927-4210

In Re Racial Discrimination/Source Income Violations
Housing Matters:                                                               
Joe Louis Lawrence                                                               Case # 2015 CH 01670
            Plaintiff                                                                  HON. F. U. Valderrama       
                                                                                                   Room 2305       
420 East Ohio, Chicago Housing Authority
345 East Ohio, City of Chicago, Commission on Human Relations, K2 Apartments                                                                                             

THIS CAUSE COMING TO BE HEARD on PROVE-UP Entering Judgment Prove-up Defaulting the Defendants Granting Summary Judgment Instanter case is before the Court on the Plaintiff Joe Louis Lawrence’s being present, the Defendants being served and in Default, the court being fully advised in the premises and having heard the testimony and considering all facts as evidence.

IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT THIS COURT finds the issues in favor of the Plaintiff on all issues pursuant to the testimonies and affidavits presented before this court:

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT THE COURT ENTERS JUDGMENT on the findings against the Defendants for the Relief Prayed for against 345 East Ohio, K2 Management pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/2-1005, Punitive Damages to the Plaintiff  and JUDGMENT OF $10 MILLION DOLLARS plus costs for the enforcement of this matter;

SUMMARY JUDGMENT is appropriate when the pleadings, depositions, admissions and affidavits, viewed in a light most favorable to the nonmovant, fail to establish a genuine issue of material fact, thereby entitling the moving party to judgment as a matter of law. 735 ILCS 5/2-1005; Progressive Universal Ins. Co. v Liberty Mut. Fire Ins. Co., 215 Ill.2d 121, 127-28 (2005). The purpose of summary judgment is not to try a question of fact, but simply to determine whether one exists, Jackson v. TLC Assoc., Inc., 185 Ill. 2d 418, 423 (1998).

Plaintiff is a United States Citizen born and Raised a Freeman and Plaintiff alleges that the Defendants have defaulted on their obligation to respond to the summons or any motions accompanied by affidavits.

A trial court is required to construe the record against the moving party and may only grant summary judgment if the record shows that the movant’s right to relief is clear and free from doubt. Id. If disputes as to material facts exist or if reasonable minds may differ with respect to the inferences drawn from the evidence, summary judgment may not be granted. Assoc. Underwriters of Am. Agency, Inc. v. McCarthy, 356 Ill. App. 3d 1010, 1016-17 (1st Dist. 2005).   

When the party moving for summary judgment supplies evidentiary facts which, if not contradicted, would entitle him to judgment, the opposing party cannot rely upon his complaint or answer alone to raise issues of material fact. Smith v. St. Therese Hospital, 106 Ill.  App. 3d 268, 270 (2d Dist. 1982). A counter affidavit is necessary to refute evidentiary facts properly asserted by affidavit supporting the motion or else the facts are deemed admitted. Barber-Colman Co. A And K Midwest Insulation Co. 236 Ill.  App. 3d 1065, 1078 (5th Dist. 1992). 

That said  2nd Amended Complaint was filed to recover damages and bring to the courts attention the “fraudulent” acts perpetrated by attorneys “sandbagging” the courts violating individuals “Civil Rights” just to obtain an advantage before any judge, Defendants have not raised any affirmative defenses or counterclaims.

Here, Plaintiff has supplied Affidavits and other evidentiary material that establishes all of the elements necessary to entitle it to recovery under the parties’ agreements, including the amount of damages. Defendants have failed to submit any evidence in opposition to the Motion in order to raise any genuine issues of material fact. Thus, summary judgment is proper.

Based on the foregoing, it is FURTHER ORDERED:

1.)    Plaintiff’ Joe Louis Lawrence’s Motion for Summary Judgment is GRANTED.

Judgment is entered in favor of Plaintiff and against Defendants  345 East Ohio,  and K2 management severally and jointly of $10 Million Dollars Pursuant to Smith V. Wade, 461 U.S. 30, 35. 103 S. Ct. 1625, 1629 75 L Ed 2d 632 (1983) that because of the noted depraved acts of all parties pay punitive damages, of $10 Million Dollars Plaintiff has endured in these matters;

2.)    For an Order Recommending a Special Prosecutor outside of States Attorney Anita Alvarez, Attorney General Lisa Madigan’s jurisdiction due to the political influence involved and them ignoring the criminal acts perpetrated by “Powerful” White Men in authority;

4.)    For an Order Imposing Sanctions Fining CHA and all attorneys and law firms $20,000.00 - $30, 000.00 a day to the City of Chicago until Plaintiff is expeditiously housed until said matters are appropriately resolved in the courts  voucher was the issue;

5.)    Prohibit any Attorney from delaying prosecution of this matter with frivolous continuances due to Plaintiff and family suffering behind said acts being Homeless;

6.)    For an Order Remanding every Party and attorneys disbarring them complicit in said Criminal acts ignoring and covering-up said unlawful acts of all parties;

7.)    For an Order Compelling  all Parties to appear before a Court or Grand Jury to determine who should be INDICTED for their part in said Conspiracy;





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