The legal system is under siege and justice in the courts have been hijacked by domestic Terrorists infiltrating the Democratic party who are the original old school racist aka "Good ol boys" who hate people of color and the methodology used to circumvent all Federal laws of Jim Crow and lynchings waterhoses etc.
Chicago political system is likened to a Plantation at other times a Nazi War Camp the jails and prisons are filled with people of color like the concentration camps only they are not burned to death but used for labor taking jobs away from the free market.
In this particular case many of the whites have been promoted to judges assigned to keep me oppressed on a bogus case careers have been advanced exercising an updated version of "Lynching" the ropes have been replaced and the unlawful application of laws are now used to commit genocide and hate crimes.
A black man who will do anything to stay in good standing with "the white man" including betray his own people.
25 April, 2011
Secret Society BLACK BOULE - aka - "The Talented Tenth": with a non-black reader in mind.
The Black Boule: Privilage

Alby Gallun OIG Hotline Christopher Nagy Geralyn Catino and 73 more...
Today at 5:16 AM
Motion describing how judges are acting outside of their judicial immunity provisions as Domestic Terrorist and because the Irish and Polish ethnicity persons basically controlling the cities government using tyranny and terrorist tactics.
They have been able to for the most part dictate who the Feds for the most part indict or come after because nobody suspected or believed corruption was so widespread; despite, Chicago being crowned the most corrupt city in America.
If the judges are certified Ku Klux Klansmen they have replaced their white hoods and are wearing black robes imposing hate crimes from the bench and has recruited the necessary inferior black or brown persons appointed to their positions so as to conceal the bigotry and hate crimes dispensated from the bench.
Appellate judge who on all accounts is the most racist judge in the division denied my motion to proceed as a pauper and to waive fees so that all motions could be filed timely and present a meritorious defense.
Because this judge has acted outside of his judicial immunity provisions and above the laws had knowledge Judge Moche Jacobius granted the petition to proceed as a pauper and waived all fees but ignored the judges order; and due to this, Appellant had to pay $50.00 to have this motion filed.
Louis Lawrence
Trial Court No. 15 CH
Plaintiff-Appellant ) General No. 15-1274
) Division No. 4
V. )
420 East
Ohio, Chicago Housing Authority) Hon. F. U. Valderrama
345 East
Ohio, City of Chicago, Comm. )
On Human
Defendants- Appellees )
Now comes Appellant Joe Louis Lawrence, Counsel
Pro Se, in this cause respectfully represents to this court the reasons and
files herewith his Affidavit in support for said Motion for Reconsideration
Vacate May 22, 2015 Order due to “Error” “Fraud” Corroboration of Public
Corruption violations of the RICO Act with Affidavit;
Joe Louis Lawrence
P.O. Box 490075
Chicago, Illinois 60649-0075
312 927-4210
Twitter @joelouis7
I Joe Louis Lawrence, being duly sworn on
oath states:
Judges Cynthia Y. Cobb, Nathaniel R.
Howse, Jr. and James F. Smith erred in the application of the laws, and the
attorneys representing the Appellees committed “FRAUD” successfully
Inducing Reliance on the 4th Division acquiring a favorable ruling;
A- Motions for Reconsideration are
designed to bring to the court’s attention newly discovered evidence that was
unavailable at time of original hearing, changes in existing law, or errors in
court’s application of law. Continental
Cas. Co. v. Security Ins. Co. of Hartford, App. 1 Dist. 1996, 216 Ill. Dec.
314, 279 Ill. App. 3d 815, 665 N.E. 2d 374, appeal dismissed, et al.;
The purpose of a Motion to Vacate is to alert
the trial court to errors it has made and to afford an opportunity for their
correction. In re Marriage of King, App.
1 Dist. 2002, 270 Ill. Dec. 540, 336 Ill. App. 3d 83, 783 N.E. 2d 115,
rehearing denied pending appeal; et al.
C- Properly
alleged facts within an affidavit that are not contradicted by counter
affidavit are taken as true, despite the existence of contrary averments in the
adverse party’s pleadings. Professional Group Travel, Ltd. v.
Professional Seminar Consultants Inc., 136 ILL App 3d 1084, 483 N.E. 2d 1291;
Buzzard v. Bolger, 117 ILL App 3d 887, 453 N.E. 2d 1129 et al.
2.) Pursuant to Appellees
Motion Par 2, “No final judgment has
been entered” Counsel is admitting and is corroborating the legal
standard via preponderance of evidence that Judge Valderrama has violated Supreme Court Rule 272 and is part of
an “Organized Conspiracy” using his robe and authority unlawfully to aid
and assist all Appellees white and corrupt in nature, “if at the time of announcing final
judgment the judge requires the submission of a form of written judgment to be
signed by the judge et al” the judgment becomes final only when the signed
judgment is filed;
3.) That
judge Valderrama as a Negroid did everything the white attorneys instructed him
to do denying Appellant’s motions accompanied with affidavits that Appellees Ex D not only corroborates the veracity
of the aforementioned but demonstrates his inferior disposition to the whites
involved, he allowed CHA Thomas B. King to record on the court order who never
filed an appearance and he obliged them by not signing the court order;
That not one of the 12+ attorneys answered or responded to
the summons or any of the motions accompanied with affidavits responded to the
Appellant but they are relying on all Negroes who hate themselves and their
white brethren of the Good ol boy Network to band together and continue to overthrow
the government by continuing their coup in hijacking justice keeping the
Appellant from receiving any as long as they are in control;
That because the Appellees Defaulted on $25 Million
Dollars and they were cognizant that no Negroid judges in Cook County were going
to rule against them due to the Terrorist Control had in the courts and the
lack of integrity so many Negros judges have for themselves which is the only
reason why they are appointed to judicial positions and so they didn’t care or
fear reprisals for committing Fraud: ILL. App. (1st
Dist. 2000). A “VOID JUDGEMENT OR ORDER” is one that is entered by a court
lacking jurisdiction over the parties or the subject matter, or lacking the
inherent power to enter the particular order of judgment, or where the order
was procured by FRAUD- in re Adoption of E.L., 248 ILL. Dec. 171, 733 N.E. 2d
846, 315 ILL. App. 3d 137- Judgm 7, 16, 375.
That when the judges were ignoring the rules and Appellant’s
Motions accompanied with affidavits conspirators/terrorists working for the City
of Chicago, Commission on Human Relations were mailing to the Appellant unlawful
orders dismissing the Discrimination complaints against the buildings North
Harbor Tower and ZRS Management and the CHA, hereto attached, Gr Ex D & E
in violation of Supreme Court Rule 272;
That people of color due to the aforementioned stated
within are living in a city predicated on racial oppression and racial
4.) That Judge
Valderrma ordered the Appellees to present a brief in 14 days from April 28,
which was due May 12, 2015, but because of the judges skin color and none of
the attorneys respecting him or his authority failed to comply with his
directive, hereto attached Ex C;
A- That on May 26,
2015, Appellees appeared before the judge, hereto attached, Ex A court order mailed to
Appellant from Thomas B. King from a personal envelope case continued to October
1, 2015,” pending further directions from
the Court of Appeals”
B- That the very
document that the Appellees were to brief hereto attached, Ex B, a Motion filed by the Appellees after Appellants Default
& Summary Judgment were denied and “FIXED”
March 30, 2015, as Appellee, Ex D, but
B, is Frivolous on all accounts but
demonstrates how racist white attorneys uses the legal system as a cash cow
enterprise to receive wages unlawfully for wages not earned and the necessary
methodology used to keep persons of color oppressed enslaved to a Welfare
system or lifestyles unbecoming of a law bidding citizen etc. .
C- That the May 26,
2015 court order was not signed which is consistent with his involvement using
his robe and authority assisting said Domestic Terrorists.
D- Pursuant
to 735 ILCS 5/2-610 where allegations of complaint are not denied, there
is admission of all facts well-pleaded by adversary, and such admission, drawn
from failure to plead, may be considered as evidence. Hecht v. Hecht, App. 1 Dist. 1977, 7 Ill. Dec. 169, 49 Ill. App. 3d
334, 364 N.E. 2d 330.
E- Pursuant
to 735 ILCS 5/2-612 Counsel never Objected to the sufficiency of
Petitioners pleadings, Objections to sufficiency of pleadings either in form or
substance must be made In trial court, and if not so made, they will be
considered waived and cannot be raised for the first time on appeal. People ex rel. Deynes v. Harris, App.
1948, 77 N.E. 2d 439, 333 Ill. App. 280.
18 U.S. Code § 1962(c); elaborating that
"A Defendant May Be Liable for a RICO Conspiracy Offense Even if the
Defendant Did Not Participate In the Operation or Management of the Enterprise"
That because of the Appellees arrogant contempt
for laws; especially receiving Notice of Federal Officials following this case basically
is doing what Rod Blagojevich did when he was cognizant the FBI had him under under
surveillance, he said, “come get me” now these untouchable subjects have
trapped themselves giving the Feds the middle finger thinking Edward Burke or
Michael Madigan can “FIX” this
case and is saying the same thing “come get us” the Organized Crime and Racketeering Section
(OCRS) will collaborate and dethrone the
“Organized Terrorist Cell” who is causing this City to be so corrupt as they
have eluded Federal Grand Jury Indictments in the past, “Hijacking the justice
system in Illinois” making Chicago the most corrupt city and violent city in
America earning the nickname #CHIRAQ;
7.) That pursuant to Carter V.
Mueller 457 N.E. 2d 1335 Ill. App. 1 Dist. 1983, The Supreme court has held
that: “The elements of a cause of action for fraudulent misrepresentation
(sometimes referred to as “(fraud and deceit)”are: (1) False statement of
material fact; (2) known or believed to be false by the party making it; (3)
intent to induce the other party to act; (4) action by the other party in
reliance on the truth of the statement; and (5) damage to the other party
resulting from such reliance., the attorneys for the Defendants satisfied this requirement
by committing PERJURY and engaging in a plethora of other Terrorists
8.) Appellees
concocted enough human waste to put on paper knowing the Negroes in the Appellate
Court would do as instructed denying anything the Appellant filed;
9.) FACT: There are some Negros judges
appointed and elected to the bench that will do anything to protect and save
some of the corrupt racist whites involved in this case but not one racist
white will return the favor to save any of them, For example, R. Morgan
Hamilton an Associate judge who was permanently reassigned as an Associate
judge as long as she ruled unfavorably against persons of color on recusing
former attorney William S. Boyd for heinous acts in a divorce matter the case
was to go before judge Bernstein who hated people of color or Hamilton, Judge
Hamilton was heard by many whites saying, “yall having problems out of that
Nigger, give him to me, I will take care of him”!;
A- That female judge assisted
judge Ronald Bartkowicz as he went along with Irish politically connected
attorney Joseph V. Roddy manufacture a bogus warrant as he used his robe an authority
helping racist CTA officials from keeping him from returning back to the CTA
from a work-related injury as they stole his wages while off work injured on
duty, and removed his badge from his body while handcuffed, William S. Boyd was
Appellant’s attorney stopped representing the Appellant and allegedly
negotiated an Associate judge’s position out of Appellant’s demise;
10.) FACT: Not all white judges are racist and will
go along with oppressive rulings against persons of color by the same token not
all Negroes are black they are black on the outside but white as snow on the
inside because the FBI did not want the Appellant wearing a wire the
methodology ascertaining not just the Ku Klux Klan running the courts but other
members going along with them.
A- That
a technique in the pleadings had to be construed in such a way to ascertain
corroboration putting it on paper; in other words, make the subjects admit their
roles in crimes it worked, the Feds are not play toys many of you are going to
find this out the hard way.
President Obama’s 2009 Inaugural Speech certain excerpts that is applicable to
this Motion For we know that our patchwork heritage is a
strength, not a weakness. We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and
Hindus - and non-believers. We are shaped by every language and culture, drawn
from every end of this Earth; and because we have tasted the bitter swill of
civil war and segregation, and emerged from that dark chapter stronger and more
united, we cannot help but believe that the old hatreds shall someday pass;
that the lines of tribe shall soon dissolve; that as the world grows smaller,
our common humanity shall reveal itself; and that America must play its role in
ushering in a new era of peace.
To those
leaders around the globe who seek to sow conflict, or blame their society's
ills on the West - know that your people will judge you on what you can build,
not what you destroy. To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit
and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history;
but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist.
G. Woodson, 1933
The opponents of freedom and social
injustice decided to work out a program which would enslave the Negroes’ mind
in as much as the freedom of body had to be conceded. It was well understood
that if by teaching of history the white man could be further assured of his
superiority and the negroe could be made to feel that he always been a failure
and that the subjection of his will to some other race is necessary for the
freedman, then, would still be a slave. If you can control a man’s thinking you
do not have to worry about his action.
When you determine what a man shall think
you do not have to concern yourself about what he will do. If you make a man
feel that he is inferior, you do not have to compel him to accept an inferior
status, for he will seek it himself. If you make a man think that he is justly
an outcast, you do not have to order him to the back door. He will go without
being told, and if there is no back door, his very nature will demand one.
to be guilty of offense need not have entered into conspiracy at same time or
have taken part in all its actions.
V. Hardison, 1985, 911 Dec. 162, 108. Requisite mens rea elements of
conspiracy are satisfied upon showings of agreement of offense with intent that
offense be committed; Actus reas element is satisfied of act in furtherance of
agreement People V. Mordick, 1981, 50 ILL, Dec. 63
Supreme Court Rule [137] provides in pertinent part:
If a pleading, motion, or other paper is signed in
violation of this Rule, the court, upon motion or upon its own initiative, may
impose upon the person who signed it, a represented party, or both, an
appropriate sanction, which may include an order to pay to the other party or
parties the amount of reasonable expenses incurred because of the filling of
the pleading, motion, or other paper, including a reasonable attorney fee. Not
only will the courts consider an award of sanctions for active false
statements: failures to disclose material facts to the court can also justify
an award of sanctions.
BRUBAKKEN v. Morrison,
No. 1-9-1670, 1992 Ill App. LEXIS 2144 (1st Dist. Dec. 30, 1992).
Additionally, the fact that a false statement or omission is the result of an
honest mistake is no defense to entry of a sanction. ID. To the extent that an
individual lawyer has engaged in sanction able conduct, that lawyer’s firm can
also be jointly and severally liable with the lawyer.
In Appellant’s cases never at any time did he
falsify commit “Fraud” engage in unethical immoral acts with any male judges,
blackmail sandbag any attorney for a favorable verdict from any court or
violate Illinois RPC 3..3 but every licensed attorney have committed heinous
acts not becoming of an attorney but because they are white with political and
fraternal connections ”Racism” & “Niggercism” seems to have gave them a
free pass. .
Fraud admissibility great
latitude is permitted in proving fraud C.J.S. Fraud 104 ET Seg. Fraud 51-57.
where a question of fraud and deceit is the issue involved in a case, great
latitude is ordinarily permitted in the introduction of evidence, and courts
allow the greatest liberality in the method of examination and in the scope of inquiry Vigus V. O’Bannon, 1886 8 N.E 788, 118 ILL
334. Hazelton V. Carolus, 1907 132 ILL. App. 512.
To prevail in a cause of action for fraud,
plaintiff must prove that defendant made statement of material nature which was
relied on by victim and was made for purposes of inducing reliance, and that
victim’s reliance led to his injury.
V. Winter, 1986, 1 Dist., 491 N.E. 2d 1236, 96 ILL Dec. 776, 142 ILL App 3d
354, Appeal Denied.
In Carter V. Mueller 457 N.E. 2d 1335
ILL. App. 1 Dist. 1983 The Supreme Court has held that: “The elements of a
cause of action for fraudulent misrepresentation (sometimes referred to as
“fraud and deceit” or deceit) are: (1) False statement of material fact; (2)
known or believed to be false by the party making it; (3) intent to induce the
other party to act; (4) action by the other party in reliance on the truth of
the statement; and (5) damage to the other party resulting from such reliance.
alleged facts within an affidavit that are not contradicted by counter
affidavit are taken as true, despite the existence of contrary averments in the adverse party’s pleadings. Professional
Group Travel, Ltd. v. Professional Seminar Consultants Inc., 136 ILL App 3d
1084, 483 N.E. 2d 1291; Buzzard v. Bolger, 117 ILL App 3d 887, 453 N.E. 2d 1129
et al.
U. S Sup Court Digest 24(1) General Conspiracy
U.S. 2003. Essence of a conspiracy is an
agreement to commit an unlawful act.—U.S. v. Jimenez Recio, 123 SCt. 819, 537
U.S. 270, 154 L.Ed.2d 744, on remand 371F.3d 1093
to commit an unlawful act, which constitutes the essence of a conspiracy, is a
distinct evil that exist and be punished whether or not the substantive crime
poses a threat to the public over and above the threat of the commission of the
relevant substantive crime, both because the combination in crime makes more
likely the commission of other crimes and because it decreases the part from
their path of criminality.-Id.
Fraud maybe
inferred from nature of acts complained of, individual and collective interest
of alleged conspirators, situation, intimacy, and relation of parties at time
of commission of acts, and generally all circumstances preceding and attending
culmination of claimed conspiracy Illinois Rockford Corp. V. Kulp, 1968, 242
N.E. 2d 228, 41 ILL. 2d 215.
The Chicago Daily Law Bulletin, Wednesday April 26, 2006, Page 1, Illinois Political Machines
help breed corruption, Associated Press writer Deanna Bellandi states, “Illinois is apparently a Petri dish for
corruption. It is a real breeding ground”.
That Chicago is the
most Corrupt City in America, Huffington Post, Internet
Newspaper, February 23, 2012; University of Illinois Professor Dick Simpson, “The two worst crime zones in Illinois are
the governor’s mansion…..and the City Council Chambers in Chicago.” Simpson a
former Chicago Alderman told the AP “no other State can match us.”
the Windy City has kept its crown as the most corrupt major city in the country
over the last 40 years. But Houston is starting to give Chicago a run for its
money. Greg Hinz, Crain’s Business Politics May 28, 2015
According to new research released today by University of
Illinois at Chicago political science professor Dick Simpson, there were 45
convictions for public corruption in 2013 (the latest year available) in the
U.S. court district that covers the Chicago area. That's way, way above the 19
convictions in Los Angeles and 13 in the Southern District of New York
(Manhattan). But Houston had far and away the most pols convicted on federal
corruption charges in 2013, with 83.
Since the U.S. Department of Justice began to collect data in
1976, Chicago's Northern District of Illinois, which includes Chicago, Cook
County and 17 other counties, has had 1,642 convictions, according to Simpson.
That compares with 1,316 in LA and 1,260 in the New York district, which
includes Manhattan, the Bronx and six other counties.
Chicago is one of the most racially-diverse cities in the
country, but it's also the most segregated, according to an analysis of data
from Brown University that bolsters an uncomfortable theory we sadly
know” May 4, 2015 John Dodge, Executive Producer CBS.
If at this point any
judge reading this and still feels that he or she is above the law and continue
to desecrate his or her oath of their judicial position denying the Appellant’s
motion simply because of his skin color by all means deny this legal instrument
your signature will determine your fate.
Under penalties as provided by law pursuant to 735 1265
5\1-109, the undersigned certifies that the statements set forth in this
instrument are true and correct, except as to matters therein stated to be on
information and belief and as to such matters, the undersigned certifies as
aforesaid that he verily believes the same to be true.
Joe Louis Lawrence
Appellant/Counsel Pro Se
Louis Lawrence
Trial Court No. 15 CH
Plaintiff-Appellant ) General No. 15-1274
) Division No. 4
V. )
420 East
Ohio, Chicago Housing Authority) Hon. F. U. Valderrama
345 East
Ohio, City of Chicago, Comm. )
On Human
Defendants- Appellees )
Commander & Chief Attorney General of United States
President Barack
Obama Loretta
The White House U.S. Department of Justice
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500 Washington, DC 20530-0001
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500 Washington, DC 20530-0001
Chief Judge Timothy Evans Judge Moshe Jacobius
50 West
Washington, Suite 2600
50 West Washington, Suite 2403
Illinois 60601
Chicago, Ill. 60601
Mary Lane Mikva Clerk of Circuit Court, Dorothy Brown
50 West
Washington, Suite 50 West Washington, Suite 1000
Chicago, Ill
Chicago, Ill. 60601
Atty. Gen, Lisa Madigan Asst. Atty. Gen
Tyler Roland
100 West
Randolph, Suite 1200 100 West Randolph, Suite 1200
Chicago, Ill.
Chicago, Ill. 60601
Sec of State Asst
Deputy Dir Candace Cheffin
Asst Gen Counsel Terrence McConville
60 East Van Buren, 8th
100 West
Randolph, Suite 500 Chicago, Ill. 60601
Chicago, Ill.
CHA Mobility
CHA Mobility, HCP Counselors
Chris Klepper, Executive
Dir Tracey Robinson/Joann Harris
28 East Jackson
Blvd. 4859 S. Wabash, Suite 2nd
Chicago, Ill
Chicago, Ill. 60615
CHA Mobility, Real Estate Specialist Recorder of Deeds
Jessie McDaniel
Karen Yarbrough
4859 S. Wabash
118 N. Clark, Room 120
Chicago, Ill.
Chicago, Ill. 60602
City of Chicago, Department of Buildings Sabre Investments
Christopher Lynch
120 West Madison Street
121 North
LaSalle, Room 900
Chicago, Ill 60601
Chicago, Ill.
Cary G. Schiff &
Associates Gordon & Rees LLP
Christopher R. Johnson, Yuleida Joy Lindsay Watson, Christian T. Novay
134 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 1720 1 North Franklin, Suite 800
Chicago, Ill. 60602 Chicago,
Illinois 60606
Chicago Housing Authority
Office of the
General Counsel, Maria Sewell Joseph, Thomas B. King
60 East Van
Chicago, IL.
Stephan R.
Patton, Mary E. Reuther, Rey A. Phillip Santos
Corp Counsel, Deputy Corp. Counsel, Asst
Corp Counsel
30 N. LaSalle
Street, Suite 800
Chicago, Ill
Jessica Mallon, Gen Counsel CHA Roy Martinez Manager 420 East Ohio
60 East Van
Buren 420 East Ohio
Chicago, Ill
Chicago, Ill. 60611
Eve Aywaz,
Sales Consultant Sarah
Aredia, Leasing Consultant
345 East
Ohio 420
East Ohio
Chicago, Ill.
Chicago, Ill. 60611
Loseto, Executive Manager
345 East Ohio
Chicago, Ill.
Courtesy Copies:
US Attorney FBI
Robert J. Holley
Zachary T.
Fardon 2111 West Roosevelt
219 S. Dearborn, 5th floor Chicago, Ill. 60612
Ill 60604
Hon Judge Neil Cohen
50 West
Washington, Suite 2308
Chicago, Ill
Mayor Deputy Regional Adm., Field Office
Rahm Emanuel Beverly E.
City Hall
77 West Jackson Boulevard
Chicago, Ill.
60601 Chicago, Ill.
Governor Hon Mark Kirk
525 South 8th St. 607 East
Adams, Suite 1520
Springfield, Ill. 62703 Springfield, Ill. 62701
Bruce Rauner
100 West Randolph
Chicago, Ill. 60601
Cook County President Cook County
Preckwinkle Thomas J. Dart
118 N. Clark,
Room 517 Richard J. Daley Center, Room 701
Chicago, Ill.
60602 Chicago, Ill. 60602
Chicago Housing Authority Seyfarth & Shaw
Office of the General Counsel Jeffrey K. Ross, Kyle A. Petersen, Anne D.
Asst. Gen
Counsel, Maria Sewell Joseph 131 South
Dearborn Street, Suite 2400
60 East Van
Chicago, Ill 60603
Chicago, Ill.
Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman &
Dicker LLP
Christian Novay
55 West Monroe,
Street, Suite 3800
Chicago, Ill.
Hon Dick Durbin Hearing
Officer CHA
525 South 8th St.
Frederick Bates
Springfield, Ill. 62703 60 East Van Buren, Suite 900
Chicago, Ill. 60605
The undersigned hereby certifies that the above notice and
all attachments were caused to be personally delivered, emailed or via
facsimile or deposited in the U.S. mail to the above parties at the addresses
provided before 5:00 pm on June 9, 2015.
Joe Louis
Pro Se
Louis Lawrence
Trial Court No. 15 CH
Plaintiff-Appellant ) General No. 15-1274
) Division No. 4
V. )
420 East
Ohio, Chicago Housing Authority) Hon. F. U. Valderrama
345 East
Ohio, City of Chicago, Comm. )
On Human
Defendants- Appellees )
matter having come on to be heard on Motion for Reconsideration Vacate May 22, 2015 Order due to
“Error” “Fraud” Corroboration of Public Corruption violations of the RICO Act
with Affidavit , due notice having been given,
the court having jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter, and
being fully advised in the premises;
ORDERED that Motion for Reconsideration et al, Order is GRANTED INSTANTER.
Judge Cynthia Y. Cobb
Judge David Ellis
Judge Nathaniel R. Howse, Jr.
Louis Lawrence
Pro Se
Judge James Fitzgerald Smith
P.O. Box
Illinois 60649-0075
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