I want to report a foreclosure case SO fraudulent that it requires immediate attention from all authorities and demand to Securities and Exchange Committee to STOP this legalized Ponzi scheme with unregulated US securities and money laundering mill by banks and their bought Judges.
In 2006 my friend, a disabled Chicago firefighter Robert Cordt , who was severely injured in his line of duty fighting a huge fire, was lured into a fraudulent mortgage with America's Wholesale Lender (dba Countrywide) who promised them to lower monthly payments.
In 2008 Contrywide, was accrued by Bank of America and ceased to exist. In 2009 SOME shady company tried to file a foreclosure case against Cordt, but it was dismissed after my friend's lawyer demanded the proof of ownership of debt.
In 2016 Bayview Loan Servicing LLC hired a predatory law Firm Ira Nevel and filed a fraudulent foreclosure case Case 16-CH-07985, acting as "Plaintiff" The Bank of New York Mellon as Trustee for REMIC Trust CWALT 2006-15CB.
The entire Complaint was based on blatant lies and obstruction of justice. Ira Nevel's lawyer Richard Drezek made following false statements:
It also shows that Countrywide misled homeowners as to who their lender was right out of the gate; and as mentioned above, was not and never was a NY Corporation who can transfer anything to anybody, including Bank of America as a prior "Servicer" for this loan since AWL never legally existed.
Drezek claimed that the Plaintiff, Bank of New York Mellon is a current Trustee for Trust CWALT 2006 15CB, anda mortgagee for this loan which was issued by America's Wholesale Lender (AWL), a NY Corporation organized and EXISTING under the laws of New York, who nominated MERS as a Mortgagee.
All these statements are false since AWL never existed as a Corporation under laws of the State of New York or any other States, thus this loan itself was a fraud from day one, which makes this case void in its entirety. See attached record from NY Secretary of State. The only AWL was registered in 2008 by fraudsters who wanted to use AWL identity to steal homes; hoped to cash in on the chaos of foreclosures crisis. Bank of America knew that the real AWL never existed and sued fake AWL after BOA accrued Countrywide Home loans in 2008.
It also shows that Countrywide misled homeowners as to who their lender was right out of the gate; and as mentioned above, was not and never was a NY Corporation who can transfer anything to anybody, including Bank of America as a prior "Servicer" for this loan since AWL never legally existed.
Moreover, AWL was not able to create ANY REMIC Trusts, thus Trust CWALT 2006-15CB which was never created; never accepted any interests in any mortgages and of course could accept assignments in 2009 from MERS since here are no trust and no trustees; not even a bank account. This information was proven by SEC respond who said that they do not have any records related to CWALT 2006 15CB, see official SEC respond.
The Assignment was filed apparently by a previous Servicer, BOA, who stated that MERS was a mortgagee for this loan who transferred its interest to Bank of NY Mellon in August 2009. The Assignment of the Note was robo-stamped by purportedly David A. Spector, who worked for Countrywide Financial and had no relationship to AWL. From September 2006 Spector works in Morgan Stanley office in London.
In fact, this fraudulent assignment practice created a huge liability to MERS. MERS can only act as a nominee for its members. It can only assign the mortgagee rights for its members. Furthermore, MERS had to know AWL was NOT and NEVER was a MERS member.
No single document proving any chain of assignment from BOA to Bank of New York Mellon or Bayview was ever attached or provided to my lawyers who specifically requested them.
Most recently Ira Nevel filed an Affidavit from Bayview's Manager Terrence Schonleber who claimed that Bayview is the current mortgagee for this loan , which is another lie and obstruction of Justice because they never provided any proof of assignment of interest in this loan - since here are no authorities who can assign it.
It is not a secret that investment banks, acting as fake Plaintiffs for fictitious Trusts, file fraudulent foreclosures on behalf of certain shady "investors" while banks received enormous profits, at least $3-4 million from each $100K home by secretly reselling the same loan multiply times.
A foreclosure initiated by a servicer or Trustee or Trust or group of investors fails to comply with applicable law since none of them actually own the debt directly and none of them have the right to enforce the debt. ALL of them have received a benefit and some of them have received a windfall derived from trading on the borrower’s signature on the note and mortgage in an amount far exceeding the principal amount loaned.
And those trading profits were derived strictly because they were trading on the signature of the borrower, together with the borrower’s home, name and reputation, without disclosure to the borrower of compensation to be received arising from the origination of the loan and without consent from the borrower to trade on his/her home, name, signature and reputation. The bank’s ONLY concern is the preservation of the appearance of the loan as the base to a virtual tree and branches of derivatives that were traded in which the investment bank was not only relieved of any risk, but in which the investment bank received “trading profits” equal to many times the amount loaned.
Moreover, banks failed to inform that homeowners who signed papers were in fact unknowingly issuing unregulated securities for the sole benefit of investment banks. No sharing with homeowners.
Giving a free house to the investment bank via an empty nonexistent trust represented by a “trustee” with no trustee duties and a servicer whose authority derives from the nonexistent trust is to add insult to injury. When the market crashed none of the risk associated with this practice was absorbed by the investment banks that set it in motion. All of it was forced on borrowers who bailed out fraudulent banks with over $30 Trillion even though they did not need a bailout but took it anyway.
All foreclosure litigation is thus a high stakes game for the banks who continue to conceal their true motives and intent. This fundamental breach of the lender’s obligation to make a viable loan makes it utterly wrong to give the investment bank, who is not a creditor, a free house and the proceeds of sale.
Many Courts agreed with this rationale. In Bayview Loan Servicing v. Jacobson, (Maine) Court on May 14, 2015 ruled for Defendants. In Bayview Loan Servicing LLC v. Rutledge (Pennsylvania) Court on September 21, 2016 ruled for Defendants. Both cases were based on Bayview's Manager Terrence Schonleber’s testimony, which Courts repeatedly found not reliable or creditworthy.
I want to stress out that the Plaintiff refused to provide ANY documents to my lawyer’s discovery request which can prove the physical existence of the entity who claims to have standing to sue me. I respectfully request your Honor to enter Sua Sponte Motion to Compel Ira Nevel and their clients’respond and file requested documents.
On April 15, 2019 Miami Judge Beatrice Butchko entered an Order against US Bank for refusal to provide documents which can prove standing.
I respectfully demand explanations from SEC why this open Ponzi scheme with unregulated US securities and dark money laundering mill in US Court is still allowed, along with massive theft of properties with judicial support.
SEC knows that NONE of these Trusts never existed - yet allow that this fraudulent foreclosure mil to operate at full speed - just to create a new housing crisis which will dwarf 2006 collapse.
The Government and Judges cannot pretend any longer that "obstruction of Justice" by some people, like Trump, is a crime because "nobody is above the law" but lawful for banks and their lawyers who freely obstruct justice and are above all laws and rules during last 15 years.

You can forward him this email and say that I am not telling Freidyn that to do but offer a free help as a volunteer researcher
Under no circumstances AWL cannot assign anything to anybody which makes your case essentially void.
So, Nevel and his gang merely obstruct justice to steal your home :)
So, the purportedly "original" Note which Nevel suggested to "review" from Mark Spenser is very likely a forgery.

You can forward him this email and say that I am not telling Freidyn that to do but offer a free help as a volunteer researcher
Under no circumstances AWL cannot assign anything to anybody which makes your case essentially void.
So, Nevel and his gang merely obstruct justice to steal your home :)
So, the purportedly "original" Note which Nevel suggested to "review" from Mark Spenser is very likely a forgery.
NONE of these judgements where Courts entered favorable verdicts for non-existing Trusts are valid judgements, thus the real estate market is full of properties where foreclosures buyers have absolutely no rights to their purchases and in fact are in possession of stolen property.
The Government must stop it immediately and make banks, their lawyers and enabling judges liable for their misconduct.
The Government must stop it immediately and make banks, their lawyers and enabling judges liable for their misconduct.
They did not produced ANYTHING new. All that they sent are over 200 pages of Ira Nevel's billing statements!
Can you contact your lawyer who handles this case for Fredyin and ask him if it would be helpful file a Counter- Affidavit from YOU (which I can prepare if he is too busy). At least the documents and information (below) will be a part of your case records and the Judge cannot tell she never heard about it.
You can forward him this email and say that I am not telling Freidyn that to do but offer a free help as a volunteer researcher
Ask him if you can produce your own documents, particularly the official record from NY Sec of State which clearly shows that America's Wholesale Lender (AWL) (who provided you this loan) never existed as a corporation, thus this loan was a fraud from the beginning.
The AWL registered in 2008 is created by fraudsters who wanted to use AWL identity to steal homes (thief stole from thief). Bell and his friends hoped to cash in on the chaos of the foreclosure crisis. Their goal was to create bogus mortgage assignments and loan satisfactions to score free houses and they were sued by BOA, see link below.
Under no circumstances AWL cannot assign anything to anybody which makes your case essentially void.
As a result, this also creates a huge liability for MERS. In addition to the people that MERS authorized to sign on their behalf. MERS can only act as a nominee for its members. It can only assign the mortgagee rights for its members. Furthermore, MERS had to know America’s Wholesale Lender was NOT and NEVER was a MERS member. MERS and it signatories should have known that America’s Wholesale Lender was NOT and NEVER was a New York corporation
So, Nevel and his gang merely obstruct justice to steal your home :)
Tell your lawyer that you also have a respond from SEC and you have IRS publications which prove that the Plaintiff, TRUST - does not exist.
Below is also a link to the letter from FL Bankers association who confirm that original Notes were destroyed to make is easier to resell the same loan multiply times by stealing identity from borrowers and making $20 on each $1 "loaned" by someone else.
So, the purportedly "original" Note which Nevel suggested to "review" from Mark Spenser is very likely a forgery.
In the meanwhile, here are some cases where Schondeler's lies were rejected by the Court.
They did not produced ANYTHING new. All that they sent are over 200 pages of Ira Nevel's billing statements!
Can you contact your lawyer who handles this case for Fredyin and ask him if it would be helpful file a Counter- Affidavit from YOU (which I can prepare if he is too busy). At least the documents and information (below) will be a part of your case records and the Judge cannot tell she never heard about it.
You can forward him this email and say that I am not telling Freidyn that to do but offer a free help as a volunteer researcher
Ask him if you can produce your own documents, particularly the official record from NY Sec of State which clearly shows that America's Wholesale Lender (AWL) (who provided you this loan) never existed as a corporation, thus this loan was a fraud from the beginning.
The AWL registered in 2008 is created by fraudsters who wanted to use AWL identity to steal homes (thief stole from thief). Bell and his friends hoped to cash in on the chaos of the foreclosure crisis. Their goal was to create bogus mortgage assignments and loan satisfactions to score free houses and they were sued by BOA, see link below.
Under no circumstances AWL cannot assign anything to anybody which makes your case essentially void.
As a result, this also creates a huge liability for MERS. In addition to the people that MERS authorized to sign on their behalf. MERS can only act as a nominee for its members. It can only assign the mortgagee rights for its members. Furthermore, MERS had to know America’s Wholesale Lender was NOT and NEVER was a MERS member. MERS and it signatories should have known that America’s Wholesale Lender was NOT and NEVER was a New York corporation
So, Nevel and his gang merely obstruct justice to steal your home :)
Tell your lawyer that you also have a respond from SEC and you have IRS publications which prove that the Plaintiff, TRUST - does not exist.
Below is also a link to the letter from FL Bankers association who confirm that original Notes were destroyed to make is easier to resell the same loan multiply times by stealing identity from borrowers and making $20 on each $1 "loaned" by someone else.
So, the purportedly "original" Note which Nevel suggested to "review" from Mark Spenser is very likely a forgery.
In the meanwhile, here are some cases where Schondeler's lies were rejected by the Court.
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