Neither Dorothy Brown or Toni Preckwinkle etc can save the number of corrupt judges involved in the 88 D 079012 Paternity case it is sad as hell in spite of all the sacrifices so many have made Dr Martin Luther King, Jr, Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandel, Miguel Pro (Father Pro) etc. too many to name stood on the front lines so that we as a people can be free from Jim Crow laws and other forms of racial oppression.
Black and some Hispanic men are some of the worse judges any person of color can go before for justice these men are aware of the injustices perpetrated by racist white judges inflict some of the worse acts of hatred that their white counter-parts for reasons that goes beyond the stretch of human imagination.
Criminals don't fear the laws because they know many of the judges are bigger crooks than them.
Attorney Ken is articulating the same make up how racist white men covered their tracks back in the days as they violated the Civil Rights of people of color now it is the colored people engaging in Terrorist Acts on their people.
Pretty soon the aforementioned Colored Terrorist will be preying on helpless whites and everyone else not in the Fraternal order of Hatred!
I once heard a man say in the wilderness O Lord my God is their any help for the w's son?
Brother Cazembe is being threatened by William Stewart Boyd he is going to lock him up because he refuses to Amend his Divorce Petition that the attorney Joan S. Colen has Defaulted on with his soon to be ex wife Bernadette.
Judge Boyd as a Mason seems to harbor a Hate for Masonic Brothers has been many times Denied NEVER tried Cazembe's on his legal documents properly presented before the courts and has accepted and granted the attorneys documents that has been FRAUDULENTLY presented.
One thing is for certain you are no Punk! You stood up for your clients and held your ground in spite of the opposition.
Let me give you an update Ken on Friday Feb 8, I went to the Daley Center checking on a case for a client; however, I decided to check on the very paternity matter you properly notified the proper law enforcement Officials about.
I learned that the entire case had been deleted from the database that shouldn't surprise you or I, but it created a great deal of controversy on the 8th floor.
An audit of some sort was indicated in the system but, I was never notified so I suggested that they rescan the documents back into the system seeing that, I was in receipt of my originals which they did.
We need a special breed of military style Federal Agents apprehending this individuals because at the present we have no Civil legal system.
Judge Boyd threatened Cazembe in open court to remand him into custody if he didn't respond to the attorney's Petition for Rule to Show Cause but denied his response which was a response Objecting to the Petition.
Everybody from every ethnic group to talking about how horrible Boyd is but he seems to have job security provided he destroys people of color, I have heard certain whites of minuscule political affiliations were affected as well.
Respectfully submitted,
Joe Louis
9:05 AM (3 hours ago)
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Dorothy Brown, the clerk of the Circuit Court has been under investigation by the Fed for years. Indeed, the official records in the County have a tendency to disappear when they embarrass one of the Political elite, or reveal corruption. In fact, in the hayday of politics in Chicago (during the great depression until OPERATION GREYLORD and/or the building of the Daley Center) the important records were kept on floor 3 1/2 of the County Building and floor 3 1/2 of the Chicago Hall.
It was well known that storing paper created a fire hazard, and when a Federal Agent was spotted being a bit more than casual spontaneous combustion occurred immediately prior to a weekend, a holiday etc. Fortuitously the very records that the Federal agent might be interested in reviewing were destroyed.
The Daley Center was a modern structure designed for accomplishing something rather than housing patronage workers. This architecture malpractice was never prosecuted due to the naivety of the modern Political hack. They actually believe that the great unwashed are STUPID. (The Obama Administration made no bones about telling us exactly that!)
Dorothy Brown and her cronies understand that without evidence no one goes to jail and emblazoned the Circuit Court Clerks employee manual are the words: "read and destroy, misfile, or otherwise make disappear any document or communication that she think might be important" The clerks office is designed to make certain that IRS, FBI, Postal inspectors, et al are thwarted as to any effort to investigate even the smell of corruption.
The "fire in the hole" scenario died when one of the old fashioned Friday afternoon conflagration did more than destroy inconvenient records - it killed a bunch of Patronage workers who did not know that work is a 4 letter word. Thus, better solutions were found and the computer offered them.
Thus, by coincidence if a file becomes troubling or embarrassing a touch of a button *****. These glitches are unpredictable and can occur at any time. Troublesome paper files are a bit more difficult, but with the volume of paper generated in single day misfiling is to be expected. Patronage workers - everyone knows - are hired because they get the vote out, not because they have office skills. Even in today's brain dead society everyone employed by LAW ENFORCEMENT is fully aware of such facts.
As an attorney who spend more than 1/2 a century socializing over at the courthouse I can attest to these happenings on a first hand basis. I had a questionable Supreme Court of Illinois decision sent back to the Appellate Court and assigned to a judge who died several weeks prior to the assignment. Bill Juno, a reporter for the Chicago Tribune, a year after the assignment traced down the Appellate Court decision of the deceased Judge - in death the Judge was still political - he ruled against my client. (City of Chicago residence case)
Of course not all cleansing of records favors just the Administration. I had a case wherein my client was embarrassed. PC purchased a boat cargo of human hair. He then set up operations to convert the hair into wigs, and market it in African American neighborhoods to African Americans.
As every one knows (except the media and the Political elite when running for election) these areas of mercantile deserts. PC ran up quite a bill with me dealing with various sundry problems associated with leases etc, and decide to go it alone as to hiring workers for his stores. He engaged HK to take over the retail problems.
HK had a liberal bent and to my amazement a naivety that was refreshing. He advertised for people in the neighborhood and he was literally overwhelmed. He failed to vet his future employees as he had so many applicants and opened his stores. The raw truth hit him almost immediately. Internal controls were totally ineffective and he had to address the problem. He fired everyone. He then went to the sources he knew and had experience with and he restaffed his stores.
The venture was a total success; however, his terminated employees filed with the EEOC a racial discrimination claim.
HK was still naïve and chose "like kind" representation. The hearing was "interesting" and reached an expected result. HK was found guilty of racial discrimination and a substantial judgment recommended.
I was engaged to address the situation. Administrative hearings are appealable to the Circuit Court. I read the decision and filed an appeal and a racial discrimination lawsuit against the Illinois commission. The decision read as follows: (paraphrase) HK discriminated against Americans,of African/American racial **** who he terminated, so as to employ KOREANS.
At the hearing before Judge Dunn, I listened to the argument advanced by the State, and requested SUMMARY JUDGMENT in favor of my client based upon the argument. Dunn understood my argument without my saying a word. (My "Koreans" all were citizens of the United States of America and they were entitled to not be discriminated against by the commission)
The Judge then and there entered a Summary Judgment reversing the panel finding and set the case for further hearing.
Of course there was no further hearing. The file in total disappeared and could not be located. When I called the AG assigned to the case - and who argued before Judge Dunn - he had no memory of the proceeding. Interestingly enough the proceedings disappeared from the dockets etc. I never pursued HK's action against the commission.
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