Greetings Ken:
I see how so many independent attorneys like yourself are speaking up against Human Trafficking regarding the elderly and how the court system considers as a commodity as mentioned in the Dean Sallas case is egregious as hell from what, I have read about the case the judge is making court orders outside the laws and not within his jurisdiction which makes him a "Private Citizen":
1. “The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals held that the Circuit Court of Cook County is a criminal enterprise. U.S. v. Murphy, 768 F.2d 1518, 1531 (7th Cir. 1985)”.
The Judges and co conspirators in the guardian ad litem offices are Trespassing upon the Laws the attorneys are properly prosecuting the laws from what, I read vigorously in a correct manner for the Sallas family but the Judge is acting as a "Private Citizen"
Under Federal law which is applicable to all states, the U.S. Supreme Court stated that if a court is "without authority, its judgments and orders are regarded as nullities. They are not voidable, but simply void; and form no bar to a recovery sought, even prior to a reversal in opposition to them. They constitute no justification; and all persons concerned in executing such judgments or sentences, are considered, in law, as trespassers." Elliot v. Piersol, 1 Pet. 328, 340, 26 U.S. 328, 340 (1828)
The Illinois Supreme Court held that if a court "could not hear the matter upon the jurisdictional paper presented, its finding that it had the power can add nothing to its authority, - it, had no authority to make that finding." The People v. Brewer, 128 Ill. 472, 483 (1928). The judges listed below had no legal authority (jurisdiction) to hear or rule on certain matters before them. They acted without any jurisdiction.
When judges act when they do not have jurisdiction to act, or they enforce a void order (an order issued by a judge without jurisdiction), they become trespassers of the law, and are engaged in treason.
The Cook County Democratic legal system is full of criminal minded judges they act as "Trespassers of the Laws" and don't fear any reprisals from any government because historically the Democrats own the courts and they determine who are convicted or indicted and not the laws based upon how well judges are successful "FIXING CASES" they are promoted or appointed to higher judicial positions.
For example in the Chancery Court:(2015 CH 01670) Judge Franklin Ulysses Valderrama "Trespassed upon the Laws" had "FIXED" a case involving Housing Discrimination/Source Income violations and admitted it via AFFIDAVIT, Judge Valderrama acted as a Private Citizen and not as a State Officer as he colluded with the Defendants in using his robe and unlawful authority violating Plaintiffs’ Civil rights.
1. Pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/3-105 quote “service of summons, summons issued in any action to review the final administrative decision of any administrative agency shall be served by registered or certified mail on the administrative agency and on each of the other defendants except in the case of a review of a final administrative decision of the regional board of school trustees, regional superintendent of schools, or state superintendent of education et al”.
2. Service on the administrative agency shall be made by the clerk of the court by sending a copy of the summons addressed to the agency at its main office in the state. The clerk of the court shall also mail a copy of the summons to each of the other defendants, addressed to the last known place of residence or principal place of business of each defendant.
The Defendants received Certified Mail and was served by the Cook County Sheriff, Pursuant to the Court Transcript of Feb. 27, 2015, Lines 23-24 Page 4 and Lines 1-6 Page 5, Judge Valderrama stated, “No. The clerk’s office doesn’t serve anybody certified mail. Let me back up”. When I say service, I don’t mean mailing anything. When I say service I mean providing a copy of the complaint and summons on the entity that you have named in your complaint, 420 East Ohio, the housing authority, 345 East Ohio and it looks like the City of Chicago and Commission on Human Relations”
Defendants DEFAULTED in Circuit Court Valderrama want everyone to know he is capable of "FIXING" any case if the price is right
Chronology of Facts: Plaintiff with due-diligence filed Motions to Disqualify Judge Valderrama for “Cause” due to “Fraud” et al. Judge Neil Cohen and Judge Mary Lane Mikva Denied Plaintiffs’ Motion; Deeming said Orders a Nullity Void.
Plaintiff appealed to the Appellate Court where Judges James F. Smith, Cynthia Y. Cobb, David Ellis and Nathaniel J. Howse, Jr. Denied Plaintiffs Motion corroborating “Fraud” and Domestic Terrorism in the courts. Deeming said Order a Nullity Void.
Plaintiff appealed the Sup. Ct. of Ill. For A Writ of Madamus/Supervisory Order someone corrupt as hell mailed to Plaintiff a blank court Order Denying said Motion. Deeming said Order a Nullity Void.
Plaintiff Appealed to the Appellate Court where Honorable Rodolfo Garcia, Thomas Hoffman, John Owen Steele, Patrick J. Quinn former Governor Pat Quinn’s brother, Themesis Karnezis, Mary K. Rochford, Warren D. Wolfson who is related to Loretta Higgins- Wolfson, Mathias W. Delort, Bertina Lampkin, Sebastian Patti, Shelvin Louise Marie Hall, Joy Cunningham, Mary Jane Theis, who had a father convicted in the Greylord sting as a judge, Michael Murphy all were complicit in covering-up criminal Civil Rights violations of a “Bogus” paternity case 88 D 079012, said judges ignored every unchallenged affidavit issued orders outside of their provisions of judicial immunity, Deeming all Orders a Nullity Void;
Now the infamous Domestic Relations 88 D 079012 case the Irish Good ol boys as they are called created this case where, I was never served court never had jurisdiction on me Public Aid never had any information showing I owed any child support because the case was DISMISSED September 17, 1987 with an attorney Robert A. Egan.
The court found me in Default off of False "Fraudulent" information presented to the court alleging, my grandmother accepted service Feb. 23, 1988, my attorney Robert Egan filed a Special & Limited Appearance in August of 1988 trying to VACATE the May 18, 1988 COURT ORDER WITH NO JUDGES SIGNATURE OR ATTORNEY INFORMATION, vacated Feb. 24, 1988; thereby, leaving the very court order signed by a Black judge validating no order to pay any child support.
1.) There were no Paternity tests in this matter.
2.) There was never a motion to vacate the May 18, 1988 court order.
3.) The Irish attorney Joseph V. Roddy goes before another Irish Alcoholic judge James Meehan his court room always smelled like a distillery everybody knew he was an alcoholic but you never heard his name in the news or placated in the media.
4.) Francoise Louis Barbara Hightower-Belmer used her Police Badge and influence to get corrupt judges to come after me for child support for her BIOLOGICAL FATHER'S child.
5.) Irish judges along with the States Attorney had me in CONNTEMPT OF COURT 5 TIMES FOR ALLEGEDLY OWING CHILD SUPPORT nobody wants to discuss these heinous CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATIONS they are no different from the Sallas allegations because if she is considered a "White Privileged" individual the Democratic Machine of Democratic Terrorists of judges have found a way to penetrate and undermine any laws and come after anybody.
The Democratic Machine of judges are so brazen in their actions likened to the International Terrorist Group ISIS will destroy any and all documents necessary to keep the FBI or any legal entity seeking justice in the aforementioned crimes in that, Tuesday Oct. 21, 2020, I went to the Federal Court to ascertain some information on case 07-2287 Joe Louis Lawrence v IBC wonderbread, Chicago Police, CTA somebody removed the Vol of EXHIBITS and the aforementioned document that describes what is missing, I had to create an Ex list so as to identify what is in the record in the event the Good ol Boys start deleting documents Ex B-15,B-16 and B-17 are the only documents, I was seeking because the Inferior Negroe Judge Leonard Murray SIGNED AND ORDER for the COOK COUNTY SHERIFF to use a battering ram to break into the house, I was renting 10058 S. Vernon as they allowed Craig Fulton who was stealing money from section 8 by placing me in a building City officials said was Nigger Rigged case # 2012 1718911 Craig Fulton v Joe Lawrence, he paid no water bills George Scully remembered the case told me that he was the attorney who put the papers together, I told him Craig never owned the property so since he wouldn't evict me unlawfully they got Murray to unlawfully sign a court order. The Cook County Sheriff made me aware told me they was not going in my house but this is how inferior Black people in the Democratic Party act so as to be accepted.
I have another sick case Domestic Relations involving Elizabeth Loza OMG! she is a monster I have met lawyers afraid to go in her court because she is so evil Lee Otis Love wrote to Tim Evans
Now Heather Widely. lawyers Ruth Ramirez 2nd Keith L. Spence Retainer I had to pay $7,500. Total $25,000 paid for all court fees. Plus just paid $4,500 for trumped up charges filed by the child mother Natasha
2.) Judge Pamela Elizabeth Loza known as the gate keeper rules with a iron first. Violated my civil, human and father rights since first court date 10/21/13 not letting me exercise my freedom of speech to speak or defend myself or speak up for myself and tell my side of the story? Just ordered me pay child support and had me to only have 4 hours only on Mondays after school visitations with my daughter from 3pm -7pm every week!
3.) Judge Loza demonstrated an obvious sexist racist attitude towards me and was remarkably unprofessional and ignorant of the laws and cruel. She used her robe to incite her racial hatred at me and rulings having no respect ,concern or compassion for my daughter's safety ,or development or life. Why because my daughter was an black baby .Judge Loza believes because my daughter was African American child she wasn't worthy or deserve a proper custody with a responsible father in myself because of my skin color!
4.) I filed a motion to vacate order of protection against 5 yr old daughter since 11/29/14. My lawyer Keith L. Spence and I been in front of Judge Pamela Loza 11 times to vacate order of protection so I can see and touch, my daughter to take her to chuckey cheese ,the park, etc.
5.) The sad and worse part of this is that the mother Natasha an AKA member of a college sorority has perjured her self in court filed bogus charges against saying their was domestic abuse when she knows dam well, I have never touched her in any way!
6.) Because I have filed charges against Judge Loza racist corrupt prosecutors under Anita Alvarez went along with trumped up charges that my daughters mother filed against me criminally so as to keep me from my daughter, judge (Luciano Pacini) Markam courthouse heard all of the inconsistencies and perjured statements of Natasha ignored them causing me to have to file an unnecessary appeal spend more money.
7.) If I was a white man they probably would have locked up Natasha long time ago but because of my skin color and standing up to these racist acts these corrupt judges have taken a personal racial hatred in trying to protect one another so as to prove WHITE POWER IS SUPREME IN CHICAGO JIM CROW LAWS ARE IN EFFECT!
I am emailing you my complaints of my child custody case with judge loza presiding. I understand the law and it takes time for custody battles. I was raised with my father and took an oath to love, support and raise my kids. I am the petitioner and only want what's right for my 5 year old daughter Kaylee. I have did every possible thing as far as filing and petitioning the court with lawyer and without. Judge Loza knows better and is not thinking or caring about the growth and development of my child .My daughter is 5yr old innocent and vulnerable somebody has to care.
No. 2018 D 003208 Cazembe Kabir v Bernadette Kabir William S. Boyd "FIXED" this divorce matter where the Respondent DEFAULTED Boyd allowed an attorney to come into the court falsify every document commit perjury and UNLAWFULLY REMANDED the Plaintiff into custody because he didn't have maintenance money Boyd wanted him to pay Plaintiff had never been locked up before in his life as the attorney falsified a plethora of documents going into his pension at the Post Office.
Furthermore, because Boyd is aware of all the judges responsible for “Fixing” Petitioner Joe Louis Lawrence’s Bogus Paternity case 88 D 079012 when it was Dismissed September 17, 1987, and CTA case makes him furthermore untouchable by any Cook County Official because of the dirt and credible knowledge he has on all parties as his former attorney not even Timothy C. Evans, Chief Judge, Kim Foxx, States Attorney et al.
That Page 9 Par 25 of Gr Ex A states, “That no African American, Latino or otherwise in authority have any real authority over Caucasians in the Democratic party this has already been admitted to throughout said pleadings prepared by the Complainant”;
I have a plethora of cases to submit but is sharing some of the most current heinous matters of what many Black and Brown persons are experiencing presently where BLACK DEMOCRATS in position and authority are not addressing Chancery case 2008 CH 33616 said Defendants have filed Summary Judgments, Affidavits etc Black Democratic female judge Fredrenna Lyle a former alderman is doing everything in her powers trying to help the banks and attorneys steal their home even though the Attorneys have admitted engaging in a multitude of Criminal Civil Rights violations via affidavits.
1.) Pursuant to the original court order by Judge Lyle (Dec. 9, 2019) Plaintiff’s requested 28 days to respond but demonstrated disrespect and racist animus behavior by circumventing the judges’ directive by failing to respond to Defendant’s Motions accompanied with Affidavits.
2.) Pursuant to Jan. 8, 2020 Court Order by Judge Lyle Plaintiff’s requested 28 days again to respond to all 4 Motions Defendant’s filed in Circuit Court totaling 56 days.
Please find: Postestivo Law firm bypassed responding to said court order pitched the documents to Lord & Locke Law firm P. Russel Perdew, Trustee’s Opposition to Johnson’s Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment and Trustee’s Opposition to Johnson’s Motion for Sanctions.
3.) Most importantly, Plaintiff stated Page 2 from their Opposition Cross Motion for Summary Judgment, “Johnson mentions events that purportedly took place in Federal Court. She also makes unsubstantiated claims that banks, attorneys, law firms, and judges are engaged in a conspiracy against her. Johnson’s allegations are so vague that the Trustee cannot present any evidence in response”.
4.) FACT: Plaintiff’s in their ranting rage to insult and disparage pleadings presented by Pro Se litigants not with law licenses seems to have affected the Democratic attorneys involved because said actions perpetrated by Anglo Saxon men are a norm in Chicago and is not a crime in their eyes, in that, Plaintiff never DENIED or OBJECTED to any of Defendant’s Pleadings in their response.
5.) FACT: Plaintiff’s received Defendant’s Reply Motion filed Jan. 22, 2020 did not dare impeach any of the Pleadings due to its veracity attached with an Affidavit, Plaintiff’s did not dare impeach Defendant’s Motion Striking & Objecting Petitioners’ Motion et al. due to its veracity attached with an Affidavit, Plaintiff’s did not dare impeach Defendant’s Motion Striking and Objecting Petitioners’ Motion for Extension of Time et al. due to its veracity attached with an Affidavit.
6.) A Racist or Terrorist person within the Democratic Party will never denounce their disposition to any person of color, but expects Black and Brown Judges or Politicians to do what they are told as Democrats in that said attorney with no respect for Judge Lyle or any other person of color in authority figured, he can say and do whatever, he felt because of the color of his skin knowing that Black and Brown Democrats have no authority over men like himself!
7.) Corrupt Judges or attorneys don’t follow the rules in any court or simply don’t know them because many are not fit to be judges in the first place. The rule is very clear that "all material facts set forth in the statement required of the moving party will be deemed admitted unless controverted by the statement of the opposing party." Local Rule 56.1(b)(3)(B).
“No one is above the Law”, citing a 1928 decision by Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis Olmstead v. United States, 277 U.S. 438 (1928),
“We must subject government officials to the same rules of conduct that we expect of the citizen. The very existence of the government is imperiled if it fails to observe the law scrupulously. As Brandeis puts it, "if the government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. To declare that in the administration of the criminal law the end justifies the means—to declare that the government may commit crimes in order to secure the conviction of a private criminal—would bring terrible retribution. Against that pernicious doctrine this court should resolutely set its face."
8.) Plaintiff’s attorneys would never have filed such insulting pleadings before Caucasian Judges, the sad reality is that so many Black and Brown judges going along with said criminal acts so as to be accepted by alleged members of the Democratic Party for favors or appointments.
This is all the reasons why the FBI and U.S. Attorneys need to be on board ERADICATING every person COMPLICIT in these CRIMES because they are worse than criminals on the streets stealing homes, destroying peoples lives simply because they have the power.
None of the above has made it to any media platform under any circumstances but the Inspector General Joe Ferguson and WGN news reported that seven Chicago Police Officers have been suspended for their roles re Superintendent Johnson et al. a freaking salacious mess depicting blacks as truly unprofessional as usual looking for the right Black woman or Black man to tear down any black man regardless to his credentials.
The DEMOCRATS are using Black and Brown faces to further the terrorists acts perpetrated on persons of color and are using them methodically on white privileged individuals so as to protect all "White Nationalists involved in the Democratic Political Machine.
President Trump had nothing to do with with the aforementioned crimes but many would want to yield the impression his administration is the culprit to these hateful sinister acts but these are DEMOCRATS, now where are those Caucasians who detest these abhorrent acts with vigor willing to speak up on our behalf because as you can see Black and Brown Democrats in power won't open their mouths but want Black and Brown people to vote for them.
Somebody anybody provide me with some factual data showing Jewish, Irish, Italian ethnic groups destroying their own ethnicity for any African Americans so as to be accepted by them as demonstrated in this email, I applaud Ken for speaking up against elder abuse and human trafficking he is one person and so am I we need support and media exposure to these sick genocidal acts where people are using a plethora of demonic resources to profit off of the elderly, racism, niggercism, or the indigent.
Where are the personnel investigating these Emmy journalistic issues?
Thank you,
Thank you,
Joe Louis
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