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Monday, May 14, 2012





                                                                      ALL SEEING EYE
o7-2287 IN THE
Joe Louis Lawrence

Frank H. Easterbrook

AUG 09 2007
. ) Appeal from the United States
) District Court for the Northern
) District of Illinois, Eastern Division
) No. 07 C 1191

Interstate Brands Corporation
Chicago Transit Authority
Chicago Police Department
Defendant-Appellee )


Now comes Joe Louis Lawrence, Attorney Pro Se Appellant in this cause
submits motion and requests, to this Honorable Court Reconsideration for
Appointment of Counsel for the aforementioned reasons:

In Farmer V. Haas, the precedent given by this court relates to a prisoner
seeking representation of an attorney in a Civil Trial;
A~ Appellant is not a prisoner and is a free and accepted African American
Man Born & Raised, a United States Citizen.

How can a man shackled.behind bars be compare to a free U.S. citizen of color?
The United States Supreme Court has held that 28 USCA 191.5 (e) (1) does not
authorize a Federal Court to require an unwilling attorney to represent an
indigent litigant in a Civil case; Mallard V US. Dist. Court for Southen Dist.
0f Iowa, 490 US 296.109 S. Ct. l814.104 L. Ed 2d.318(1989) et al;

The lnforma Pauperis Statute requires that the litigant be unable to obtain
counsel 28 USCA 1915 (e)(l) before appointment may be considered, so a
plaintiff must present evidence that reasonably diligent effort to obtain
counsel has been made before the court will favorably consider their
application; Nelson V Redfield Lithograph Pnnting. 728 F2d 1003) (8th Cir
1984-) rejected on other grounds by U.S. et al;.

It has been held that a court may deny a plaintiff's motion for counsel if it
concludes that the chances of success are highly dubious, and to reach this

-~;·~~ ~- .::..                             ALL SEEING EYE.
conclusion, it may rely in part on an evaluation by a member of the bar that
the claim has no merit; Pena V Choo. 826 F 168 (2d Cir.1987)

There are a number of factors which a court may consider in making
determination regarding the propriety of Appointment of Counsel including (1)
whether the litigants cause of action appears to be meritorious; (2) whether
the litigant is financially unable to employ Counsel (3) whether the litigant,
after diligent effort, has been unable to secure counsel, such inability
including inability because of financial status, reluctance of local lawyers to
take the case , or other reasons; Applications of Miller. 427 F. Supp. 896 (W
D. Tex 1977) Other factors include:

A- the plaintiff's ability to investigate.,gather. and present crucial facts;

B- the type and complexity of the case;

C- the complexity of legal issues;

D~ whether the case factual issues turn on credibility. and the need for the
trained presentation of evidence and cross- examination;

E- the plaintiff's apparent  ability to present the case; Hodge V. Police
Officers, 802 F2d 58(2d Cir 1986).

The timeliness of the request is also a factor; finally the court may also
determine that.the nature of the.litigation is such that the court as well as
the plaintiff would benefit from the Assistance of Counsel  Nelson V . .
Redfield Lithograph Printing{.728 F2d 1003 (8th Cir.1984) rejected on
other grounds by  U.S. V. 30.64 Acres of Land, more or less. Situated in
Klickitat County.State of Wash..795 F 2d 796, Fed.R Serv..3d 415(9th Cir 1986)

Appellant has presented numerous unchallenged affidavits certified mail before
the courts opposing counsel and defendants has legally admitted to the veracity of
all £acts put before the courts; (The following are part of the record nothing new
added which demonstrates due~ diligence on the part of Appellant seeking
assistance to the Injustice) Hereto attached are the following:

A~ February 14, 2007, Notice of formal Communication Honorable Mosche
Jacobius, due to Judges involvement no employer would reinstate
Appellant's employment in any job in the State of Illinois until a court clears his name; that is why he & family is on Public Aid living below Poverty;

B- January 26, 2007; Unchallenged notarized letter where brother Kevin
Lawrence lost his job in a retaliatory manner because of Appellant's stand
against injustice In the courts;

C- Unchallenged Affidavit (January 3, 2007) Chronology of Unlawful
Contempt Charges, Courtesy copy to Judge Timothy P. Murphy and Richard
Devine States Attorney.

~ .... /~ - ~- "'                             ALL SEEING EYE
~~~~~~ .
D~ Unchallenged Certified (November 22, 2006) Mail Formal
Communication relating to Fraud & Conspiracy et al, submitted to Judge
Murphy and Richard Devine;

E~ Unchallenged Complaint (December 12, 2006) with Affidavit against
CTA's General Attorney, (Kent Stephen Ray) submitted to Carole L Brown

F~ Confidential Complaint (October 13, 2004) sent to Richard Devine
detailing criminal conspiracy of Chicago Police officer Francoise Hightower
and Assistant States Attorney Brian Volkman;

G~ Formal communication (September 16, 2002) to Judge David Delgado.
criticizing the paternity matter and the CTA.

H~ Appellant filed numerous complaints against all attorneys involved in
said conspiracies. the Attorney Registration & Disciplinarian Commission
ignored all applications of the law, Dismissed all Charges.

I~ June 28, 2006 the Illinois Supreme Court has admitted in an
Unchallenged Affidavit upholdling Unconstitutional Unlawful Disparate
Dispensation o£ State Laws "African American Judges elected or otherwise are
without any judicial authority in this State" et al.

U.S. Supreme Court D;gest 24 (1) GENERAL CONSPIRACY

U.S. 2003). Essence of a conspiracy is an agreement to commit an unlawful act,~
US. V. Jimenez Recio; 123 S Ct. 819, 537 US. 270, 154 L. Ed 2d 744, on remand
371 F .3d 1093.
Agreement to commit an unlawful act, which constitutes the essence of a
conspiracy, is a distinct evil that exist and be punished whether or not the
substantive crime ensues.-ld.

Conspiracy poses a threat to the public over and above the threat of the
commission of the relevant substantive crime, both because the combination in
crime makes more likely the commission of other crimes and because it decreases
the part from their path of criminality .~Id.

Wednesday April 26, 2006 Page 1, Illinois Political Machines help hreed
Corruption. Associated press writer Deanna Bellandi states" Illinois is apparently
a Petri Dish for corruption. It is a real Breeding Ground"

Wherefore the aforementioned reasons appellant respectfully requests
Reconsideration for appointment of an attorney
Respectfully submitted,
Joe Louis Lawrence


...:: 'a~                                                        ALL SEEING EYE

Joe Louis Lawrence

No. 07-2287 VS.

Interstate Brands Corporation
Chicago Transit Authority
Chicago Police Department
Defendant -Appellee
. )
 Appeal from the United States
) District Court for the Northern
) District of Illinois, Eastern Division
) No.07C1191

Please be advised that on August 9, 2007, A Motion for Reconsideration for
Appointment of Counsel has been filed before the United States Court of

Cook County States Attorney
Dick Devine
28 North Clark Street, Suite 300
Chicago, Ill. 60602

I.B.C./Wonder bread
12 East Armour Blvd.
Kansas City, MO. 64111
Legal Dept.

Chicago Transit Authority Legal Dept.                        Chicago Police Department
Kent S. Ray Phil Cline
567 West Lake Street Chicago, IL. 60603                   3510 South Michigan
                                                                      Chicago, Ill. 60661-1498 Chicago, Ill. 60616
l affirm the above as being true.

Respectfully Submitted
Joe Louis Lawrence
P.O. Box 490075
Chicago, Ill. 60649

Honorable Mosche Jacobius Presiding Judge
Daley Center Room 1905
Chicago, Illinois 60601

February 14, 2007
88 D 079012
Calender 63

Notice Of Formal Communication

Seeking Appointment of Counsel due to Gerald P. Nordgren seeking Discharge

Your Honor:

I hope this notice receives you in good health.
As a result to Appointment of Counsel Gerald P. Nordgren, in the aforementioned matter,
before you seeking Discharge, the States Attorney dropped the charges; however, the
numerous unlawful irregularities went ignored by the courts, hereto attached, Ex. A,

Chronology of Unlawful Contempt's w/Affidavits, Ex. B, Certified Mail detailing
Assistant States Attorney Carolyn Kennedy engaging in Fraud Conspiracy et al, Ex. C,
Courtesy Copy Certified Mail sent to Judge Murphy he acknowledged receiving, Ex. D,
An Official Complaint w/ Affidavit detailing heinous cover-attempts as it relates to this
paternity matter, submitted to Carole L Brown Chairman, Finally Ex. E, Affidavit from
my brother Kevin Q. Lawrence as he is forced off his job of 16 years because of what I
was experiencing in the courts.

Would you sir Appoint another Attorney or exercise the jurisdiction of your court to
address these irregularities, reliable sources within the CTA and Union has stated, they
will not reinstate me without a Court Order!

A- Got accepted to Northwestern Law School could not get there because of this
paternity case;

B- Worked in the Sheriff Dept. Lost that Job because of the paternity case;

C- Worked and still is an employee with the CTA. I got injured and they would
not reinstate me because of the paternity case. they took my money from my
wages CTA destroyed records, to conceal the fact my money was garnisheed to
another attorney:

D- Worked for Reliable School Bus where the accountant showed me checks
cashed where Joseph V.Roddy and Francoise signed her name: they stole my
money without a sealed court order for garnishees;
1.) the accountant said she has processed 100' s of wages garnishees for child
support she has never seen the type of paperwork they submitted-they
went out of business, prior to going out of business, they stopped giving
me assignments and later laid me off, I was their top driver;

E- Worked for IBC/Wonder Bread got injured had surgery someone in payroll
allegedly has a successful ghost payroll scam intercepted approximately $50,000
of my workman's compensation checks they would not reinstate me because of
this paternity case;

F- .Passed the Police Exam with a High Score was not recruited because their was
some issues surrounding the paternity matter:

I need your HELP and jurisdictional expertise in this matter.

Right now I feel "Tortured" "Raped" "Humiliated" "Psychologically Traumatized" etc

I am grateful for the first appointment of counsel and I am grateful for the States Attorney
dropping the charges, how can anyone move forward when all of their aspirations have
been taken away from them just to satisfy and protect cover-ups? When is it going to

As you can see, I have presented all facts in a legally upright perpendicular manner.

Thank you in advance;

Respectfully Submitted,
And sincere thanks

Joe Louis Lawrence
CC Charles P. Nordgren, Asst. States Atty. M. Rusch, Dir. Mueller FBI, Chief Judge
Timothy C. Evans, Lisa Madigan Attorney General

Standard Parking

January 26, 2007

Attention: John George

In response to your priority mail sent to me January 26,2007, Dkt. # 7002850A.

Facts; The dates indicated where I was recorded punching a person out on the time card
is not in dispute. Nowhere was there a notice stating not to punch another person's time

A-  I never received any type of verbal warning or written disciplinarian action
prohibiting this type of action in the future.
Only after complaining of Harassment, Discrimination and Hostility (due to my
medical handicap) in the work place to John George and Joe Belli of the Union, I was

Working at the garage became Hostile, when Supervisor April Townsend never ordered
supplies. but made me mop the floors with clear water and later complained, the floors
were dirty: She made me wash the windows with rags. no squeegee and later complained,
the windows were dirty: I had a flat bed GOLF CART. it was used to cam the garbage
to the dumpster; April took the working golf cart from me and made me take garbage out
of the garbage can and place it in another garbage can that was missing wheels and hard
to push to the dumpster. she complained. I was not emptying the garbage fast enough.

She would taunt me insidiously, and state "you are trying to get fired! This would go on
for nearly two months. I would punch in at 4: 45 and punched out at 12:45, with no
problem, (for two months) she later would harass me and say, I should have stayed. until
1 :00 am with no overtime.

When I presented the problem to John, he said "It was ok for me to start and leave in the
same manner being reprimanded for.

April confronted John, John later recanted, stated "you can leave early only a couple a
days a week. and if your ride was not able to wait anv longer, I was then allowed to leave.

l experienced a major depressive episode behind this harassment and took a day off to
speak to my therapist, April called my therapist, asked questions about my condition told
him she was trying to help me and save my job, he thought she was sincere, April had
knowledge of my bipolar disorder did everything unimaginable to send me into an

She went as far as contacting personnel requested F.M.L.A. leave papers for me around
September 25. 2006 told me to take off. I never requested any time off and needed my
job to help my brother out who was going through a corruption case where the:y was
taking money from him for a child that does not belong to him, thereby violating his Civil
Rights, hereto attached, Motion to Disqualify Judge, Affidavits to CTA where his
employer falsified records not allowing him to work, his union did not help him,
IBC/wonder bread falsified records terminating his employment because he
notified the F.B.I. the company stole $50,000.00 of his workman's compensation and
forced him on Public Aid. he is a Teamster member also that matter is in limbo.

John George acted as if he had an intimate relationship with April or was afraid of her:
she acted as if she was paid off to concoct these events to force me off my job.

John would compliment and sneak up behind me to see if I was working. ( always
sweating). he said. "you are doing a great job, you love your job", April would later say
on another day. "I do not know. what John sees in you. you are not a great worker to me"

April was so EVIL and nasty towards me, she would leave her bloody tampons in the
steel compartment on the wall, where there was no bags, she never discarded them
in the garbage can and would always make me around that time of the month go
and clean the office bathroom, cleaning up behind her,

I have been on my job 16 years never have I received or experienced this level of Hostile
Discrimination Harassment on the job due to my medical condition, this shit has stressed
me out where I had to apply for Social Security, this company is not allowing me to
receive any unemployment compensation and my Union could not transfer me to an
environment less hostile.

I can not pay my rent buy groceries feed my cat, etc.

The same Hell my brother experienced for standing up against injustice and corruption,
my employer punished me for complaining of Harassment etc. on the job.

Now tell me behind all of this shit what in the Hell am I suppose to do?

Further Affiant Sayeth Not

As penalties as provided by law, pursuant to Section 1-109 of the Code of Civil
Procedures, the undersigned certifies that the statement set forth in this instrument are
true and correct, except as to matters herein stated, the undersigned certifies as aforesaid
that he verily believes the same to be true ..
Notary:. __
. ' -:· -.;,·''
Kevin Q. Lawrence

CC Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr., Rev. Willie T. Barrow, Joe Belli, Lisa Madigan Civil Rights
Bureau, April Townsend, Charles Hayes, F.B.I. Dir. Mueller Wash. D.C. Barbara
Heathfield, Adm. Law Judge Hearing Referee

Notary Public State of Illinois
Commission Expires June 11, 2007

January 3, 2007

Honorable Timothy P. Murphy
32 West Randolph Room 1404
Chicago, Illinois 60602

88 D 079012


Honorable Judge Murphy

Please find Chronology of Unlawful Contempt Charges w/Affidavit
submitted to Assistant States Attorney Amy Bernard with attachments.

Scheduled Court date January 22,2007,@ 9:30

Respectfully Submitted,

Joe Louis Lawrence

Richard Devine
States Attorney
28 North Clark Street, Suite 300
Chicago, Illinois 60602
                                          November 22, 2006                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Case # 88 D 079012          Certified Mail 7006-2760-00012350-5644

Attention: Assistant States Attorney Carolyn Kennedy

Notice of Formal Communication Relating to Fraud Conspiracy Extortion and a host of other Irregularities & Misrepresentations to the Court

   You have been up to this point very successful undermining Judge Murphy in his court room, hereto attached, a letter faxed to the child support Appeal & offset Unit in Springfield, Marcia Smith, November 17, 2006;

   Francoise notified the grammar and High Schools, the father was unknown.

   Judge Murphy stated, in open court “your paper work is not in order and that my statements to the court were credible”

   Hereto attached, page 3, of the Oct. 13, 1994 Affidavit form the Motion to Disqualify et al asserting Francoise was impregnated by her natural biological father;

   You presented to the court the Settlement Order of May 31, 2005 about how much money was received but failed to mention the irregularities to the court it said, I returned to work and had no children;

   Thomas Weber an IBC attorney notified Judge Murphy between Oct. and Dec. 2005 and indicated it in his response, I did not work for IBC, Judge Murphy made mention of my status as a former employee in court;

   For the Record: I have been off work since August 2002, due to a uncontested work-related injury where surgery was performed, the company did not pay me workman’s so Public Aid provided support but the Union learned the company was mailing me my Disability checks that I never received; because of this paternity matter and a host of other irregularities prevented my reinstatement, hereto attached, IBC sent me a letter terminating my employment September 6, 2006;
A-    The CTA did the same thing as the above, while off work with a work-related injury Kent Stephen Ray had someone to falsify documents saying I was not an employee, hereto attached, September 16, 2002 letter to Honorable David Delgado along with the letters sent to CTA Chairman Valerie Jarrett and Carole L. Brown.
B-    Carolyn I have been due-diligently trying to get back to work so that I can receive my back wages and pay Francoise the $50,000.00 you guys have trumped up.
That is why your paper is not in order and never will be because when you tell a lie you have to keep on lying to keep up with those lies.

I may not agree with the Judges rulings but nowhere in any of my documents or assertions will you find me undermining or falsifying any information so as to insult a judge’s intelligence to obtain favor.

The only thing I was instructed to do was demonstrate how this paternity case was connected to the CTA and IBC/wonderbread.          

                               Respectfully Submitted, Joe Louis Lawrence

CC Judge Murphy, James Chatto FBI, Dir. Mueller FBI, Hon. Timothy Evans Chief Judge, Chg. Crime Commission, Carole L. Brown CTA Chairman


Richard A Devine
State's Attorney of Cook County
Child Support Enforcement Calendar K
28 North Clark Suites 300
Chicago, Illinois 60602

Chronology of Unlawful Contempt Charges w/Affidavit

January 03, 2007

Amy Bernard: Assistant States Attorney

Dear Madam:

I hereby swear and attest the following as true:

I am forwarding to your attention a host of illegal and
unlawful acts engaged upon by various attorneys, in an
attempt to cover up certain attorneys working with certain
assistant States Attorneys and Judges so as to prevent
persons like yourself and any Judge presided in room 1404,
that this matter is unlawfully before the courts under the
alleged authority of the Illinois Dept. of Public Aid.

A vivid historical account of all Unlawful Contempt Judge
Charges, where I was incarcerated;

1) Ronald Bartkowicz signed a Court Order for Contempt
August 24,1994, for a body attachment warrant, not
only was I never served knowledge, the court
records revealed, I was never served about the
above referenced matter;

2) Judge David Delgado signed a court order April 9,
1997, for a body attachment warrant, not only was I
never served about the above referenced matter, but
learned about this and the above warrant through
the Attorney Registration & Disciplinarian
Commission; Jodi N. Goode through her Paralegal Tom
A- "Most important" they had the entire
paternity matter retrieved from the
database and learned every summons
against me had been returned not served;
B- In his phone conversation, he asked me
how did all of these judges sign orders
against me why would lawyers jeopardize

losing their license submitting false

3) Judge David Haracz former legal aid Senior
Attorney(Legal Aid refused to represent me saying
to many judges involved) he became the judge would
not recuse himself placed me in contempt of court
April 2004, for Allegedly owing $29,100.00 in part
to Asst. States Atty. Brian Volkman's eloquent
ability Inducing Reliance on the judge presenting
false documents & threatening me throughout in and
outside court;

4) July 23, 2004, I was incarcerated and found in
contempt of court, for informing Chief Judge
Timothy C. Evans of the improprieties had in said
       A- Prior to the above, in February 2004, I
informed the court, my family and I was
on Public Aid because IBC/wonder bread
was not paying me any workman's
compensation, Brian Volkman said that is
not our problem and for me to bring in
proof, I was on public Aid. Brian ran
the court!

       B- Brian Volkman without court authority or
proper seal of the clerks office sent a
not IBC because he was working with
those attorneys;

5) Honorable Dorothy Brown clerk's did a history of
this paternity matter and learned no child support
orders were ever entered, the history went back to
1988, they said take this to the F.B.I. and the
media because they have a judge in their back
pocket signing court orders;

6) June 13, 2006, Upon leaving my sons graduation and
reporting to court before Judge Timothy P. Murphy,
he found me in contempt of court and had me
incarcerated, "I was never allowed to cross examine
Thomas Weber" for his part in Inducing Reliance on
the court saying my employment status had been
terminated when in fact I was an employee
throughout, I learned through my employer Russell
Hinkle, Judge Murphy found me in Contempt of Court
for fraud on IBC, while taken into custody, I never
committed any fraud on IBC;


A- Despite all of the above Contempt Charges this
was the first time, I was ever transported to 26th
California, Certain Deputies had been assigned to
make sure nothing happens to me at the hands of

7) Honorable Kaplan Jordan in 1992 told Joseph V.
Roddy he would never get a Rule to Show Cause
against myself in his court, the judge always
referred to me as counsel When I appeared before
him and never missed a court date;

8) July 20,1992, I appeared in court, the matter was transferred to
Morgan Hamilton because Judge Kaplan was absent, She
referred to this case as mess and said they better be glad this
mess was not before her, told me not to come back to court
unless properly notified!

9) In 1994 after Judge Bartkowicz was properly disqualified from
this matter with a. properly filed motion, he agreed with my
motion and was shocked of my knowledge he was an a Attorney
with CTA it was reassigned to Supervising Judge Morgan
Hamilton, she refused the case, it was reassigned to Judge
Delgado he refused the case, Judge Bonagura was the 4th and
only judge left to accept the case;

1 0) Judge Bonagura informed me he was aware of who I was and
what was going on he said," the problem here is a lot of these
men have paid a lot of money getting their law School
education and you are embarrassing them and do not realize it.

They are doing everything they can to confuse the issues so as
to make you look incompetent, I am going to do everything in
my power to help you" he further stated, i£ I was off work with a
work related injury, I was not terminated it is unlawful to
terminate an employee of£ work with a work-related injury there
is some type miscommunication and I will get to the
bottom of it;
       A~ Robert Reynolds an associate of Roddy asked where the
FUCK did this man come from? Judge Bonagura warned him
another outburst he was going to jail! The judge was transferred
off the case;


11) November 17-20 I was incarcerated in a suburban
facility which was once a church, they informed me
they were not taking me to Cook county and that
there was a County Warrant on me not a Chicago
warrant, they took me to Maybrook the judges there
told them to take me to Chicago, they do not want
no part of that mess

A- Carolyn Kennedy Assistant States Attorney was
very successful in lying to Judge Murphy telling
him I failed to report to court, they even sent me
an empty envelope to my address sealed with nothing
in it;

(1) I am under a Court Order by Judge Lester A.
Bonaguro in part to continue my efforts to be
reinstated by the CTA, and cooperate with
Joseph v. Roddy, produce all names and
documents which may help the court determine
my employment status with the CTA; where a
hearing was set but never had, I had never
seen the court order until the ARDC mailed it
to me last year (2006)

Judge Jacobi us ordered Michael H. Rothman as my counsel in this matter. His, his partner
Louis S. Elovitz had an intense interview with me when explaining these events he
felt I thought their was some type of conspiracy the world was against me, I tried to
explain what was being asserted was true, he tried to retrieve the case on computer
from his office, the case was not in the system they withdrew from the case.

Properly alleged facts within an affidavit that are not
contradicted by counter affidavit are taken as true,
despite the existence of contrary averments in the adverse
parties pleadings. Professional Group Travel, Ltd. v.
Professional Seminar Consultants INC., 136 Ill ApP 3d 1084,
483 N.E. 2d 1291; Buzzard v. Bolger, 117 Ill App 3d 887,
453 N.E. 2d 1129 et al.

You Subpoena my employment records from CTA for Hearing

If you do not address the above with a counter-affidavit
investigating the diabolical demonic depraved acts lodged
at me before January 22, 2007, demonstrates no integrity
for the law or this court and is asserting yourself as

Trying to explain the above people think I am crazy no one
wants to believe this Saddam Hussain style of politics
exists here in Chicago let alone surviving the Holocaust!

Further Affiant Sayeth Not


As penalties as provided by law, pursuant to Section 1-109
of the Code of Civil Procedures, the undersigned certifies
that the statement set forth in this instrument are true
and correct, except as to matters herein stated, the
undersigned certifies as aforesaid that he verily believes
the same to be true

Subscribed and Sworn
Notary Public, State of Illinois
My Commission Expires July 22. 2007 '·
Thank You
Respectfully Submitted
\~"' -::c_ ~-
Joe Louis Lawrence
P.O. Box 490075
Chicago Ill. 60649-0075

CC Jim Chatto FBI, Dir. Mueller FBI, Timothy Evans Chief
Judge,Chg. Crime Commission, Lisa Madigan, Attorney General
Judge Timothy P. Murphy, Traci Powell, M.D. All Creditors


November 22, 2006

Honorable Timothy P. Murphy
32 West Randolph Room 1404
Chicago, Illinois 60602 C· •

88 D 0790!2
Certified Mail 7006-2760-0001-2350-5637

Honorable Judge Murphy

Please find a Notice of Formal Communication Relating to Fraud
Conspiracy Extortion and a host of other Irregularities &
Misrepresentations to the Court re Assistant States Attorney Carolyn
Kennedy with attachments
Scheduled Court date December 04. 2006, (@. 9:30 .

Respectfully Submitted,
Joe Louis Lawrence
... , .

,-. ~ . •,: :-;,_:
Chicago Transit Authority
Carole L. Brown
CTA Chairman
Chicago, Illinois 60680-7567

Fax312 681-5035

Official Complaint Against Kent
Stephen Ray w/Affidavit

December 12, 2006

Carole L. Brown: Chairman

Dear Madam:

I am forwarding an official complaint to your attention
regarding a host of illegal and unlawful acts engaged upon
by Ken S. Ray, j_n an attempt to cover up said errors to
prevent my reinstatement back as a bus operator.
(\~\...;_<...__.-)-I hereby swear the following as true

A vivid historical account of all Unlawful Illegal Acts;

A- Oct. 30, 2001, letter to former Chairman,
Valerie. Jarrett;

B- Oct. 31, 2001, response from the Chairman, "Most
important" the May 17, 1990, and May 30, 1990
letters removing me from transportation to area 605

C- Most important March 21 1994, letter from Thomas W.
Czech keeping/placing me in area 605; Oct. 20,
1994, Printout from Personnel Data Base indicates
no Discharge in system; Nov. 23, 1994, letter from
Michael Cook that refers to the above printout, He
was never Discharged.

D- September 4, 1992, pay stub that reflects area 605.

E- September 15,1992, Medical appt. scheduled by
Worker's compensation to see physician Oct. 1, 1992

F- March 31, 1993, Medical appt. scheduled by Worker's
compensation to see physician April 15, 1993.

G- I had never been removed, reassigned, or reinstated
from area 605 to transportation, Why did Ken commit
fraud and Perjury and say I had been terminated?

When documents unequivocally demonstrate I am a
valid CTA employee!
        (1 )I still have in my possession my CTA ID card with the yellow
        dot that was given to me when they removed me £rom

H~ Because I stood up to RACISM in the Work Place and
forwarded that communication to Chairman Burrus,
hereto attached, with a response from Elonzo Hill,
this is how he and others retaliated against me.

I- Every document that establishes my status as an
employee, and reflects I was off work due to a
work-related injury, he says that information was
fabricated, and no record of any injury was in the
personnel file, WHY?

J~ How is it Ruth Brown of Personnel, and William Wong
Administrative Manager of Kedzie Garage, state and
concur a mistake was made; Vice-President Hilcox of
Operations stated through his secretary, "Someone
FUCKED UP" anyone in personnel reinstating me back
to work will lose their job because the money they
owe me will have to come out of someone's budget,
that is why Ken lied to Judges and anyone else he
thought necessary to deceive about my employment

K~ Evelyn Borrero of Personnel would not let me report
to work in Dec. 1994 because no one had my
employment file, it gets better, Ken had a Judge in
his back pocket!
(1) Judge Ronald Bartkowicz whom I never seen or
been before signed a Court Order issuing a
Body Attachment Warrant for child support, I
was never served; (Aug. 24, 1994)

(2) This same Judge sent a handwritten note to an
independent medical examiner August 24, 1994,
questioning my ability to return to work at
CTA, see page 3 par 2 of Saul S. Haskell, M.D.

(3) Bartkowski knew I was in 605 he questioned
whether I was able to return as a bus driver;

(4) Judge Ronald F. Bartkowicz was an attorney for
the CTA before becoming a Judge, he was
Disqualified from the case;

(5) I am under a Court Order by Judge Lester A.
Bonaguro in part to continue my efforts to be
reinstated by the CTA, and cooperate with
Joseph V. Roddy, produce all names and
documents which may help the court determine
my employment status with the CTA;

(6) IBC/wonder bread attorneys did the same thing
CTA did told the Judge I was terminated from
employment in Oct. 2005, Personnel sent me a letter
September 2006 terminating my employment from the

L~ Medical statement Dec. 1, 1994, demonstrated
"ability to return to regular duty"

Properly alleged facts within an affidavit that are not
contradicted by counter affidavit are taken as true,
despite the existence of contrary averments in the adverse
parties pleadings. Professional Group Travel, Ltd. v.
Professional Seminar Consultants INC., 136 Ill App 3d 1084,
483 N.E. 2d 1291; Buzzard v. Bolger, 117 Ill App 3d 887,
453 N.E. 2d 1129 et al.

Ken nor anyone else in Personnel can refute the fact I am a
Bona Fide Legal CTA employee, why did he commit perjury and
tell the Judges I was not a CTA employee?

If I understand how to apply the laws better than Ken can
corrupt the laws perhaps I should be running CTA's legal
department, he has never defeated me litigious, despite
his intimate relationships with Judges, How come I am not

None of my superiors in 605 or myself was aware of any
termination, Paula Wright located my employment records and
was stunned, she said, "CTA owes you a lot of money"
somebody made a mistake! Oct. 29, 2001 was the first time I
ever saw the April 10, letter.

Further Affiant Sayeth Not

As penalties as provided by law, pursuant to Section 1-109
of the Code of Civil Procedures, the undersigned certifies
that the statement set forth in this instrument are true
and correct, except as to matters herein stated, the
undersigned certifies as aforesaid that he verily believes
the same to be true

Notary Public, State of lllinois
My Commission Expires June 14, 2009
W.M..~--... ~,-WI'.
\L~I ~~'~
Subscribed and Sworn 12th day of Dec. 2006
Thank You
Respectfully Submitted
Joe Louis Lawrence
Badge 26115
P.O. Box 490075
Chicago Ill. 60649-0075

CC Jim Chatto FBI, Dir. Mueller FBI, Timothy Evans Chief
Judge,Chg. Crime Commission, Lisa Madigan, Attorney General

SIGNATURE UPON RECEIPT ~Adrienne D. Mabane, 10/14/04
13 OCTOBER 2004                                                        11:45am

Richard A Devine

RICHARD DEVINE                                                   CONFIDENTIAL
69 West Washington Blvd
32 Floor
Chicago, Illinois 60620

Dear Sir:


I have been strongly advised to inform you of corrupt, conspiratory civil rights violations,
extortion cover up violations engineered and orchestrated by Assistant States Attorney Brian

September 2, 2004, Brian Volkman without Mr. Lawrence knowledge or court subpoena, legal
authority violated ills civil rights obtained a copy of his CREDIT REPORT, Invasion of

September 17, 2004, he requested a hearing with the illegally obtained credit report.
During and around January 2004, Joseph Lawrence informed the Judge (Haracz) he was on
welfare. Brian informed the court, there was no proof Mr. Lawrence was on welfare.

During and around July 15, 2003, Francoise Hightower signed a motion where the Illinois
Department of Public Aid Child Support Division allegedly is prosecuting a claim against him.

Mr. Lawrence is on welfare with his wife and five children and has been informed by Welfare
Child Support Division he owes no child support and was ordered to see a Psychiatrist with the.
Department of Public Aid and take a drug test, because he was asserting the court was making
him pay child support no evidence in the computer systems validating his assertion.

During and around July 23, 2004, Francoise Hightower's, Birth date Mr. Lawrence was
wrongfully incarcerated in part to Brian's well-orchestrated plot in deceiving the court with
numerous counts of falsehoods submitted to the courts attention.

Brian has knowledge and has been informed by persons legal documents Mr. Lawrence does not
owe child supJiort, he is not the father of the I 9 year old women, Tyree Hightower. There was
never a DNA test ordered under Case #88D0790!2; Mr. Lawrence was never properly served,
when the matter had been re filed against him, the case was voluntarily - non suited by the States
Attorney Office September 17, 1987, Case #85D068184, the Chicago Transit Authority under
the authority of Ken S. Ray destroyed Mr. Lawrence's employment records so as the cover up
the unlawful withholding's of his wages for payment of child support. Theft of his pension and
wages. (He was never lawfully terminated), Mr. Lawrence works for Interstate Brands
Corporation (Wonder Bread)(I.B.C.) he is off work due to a work related injury/mental illness an
is being forced, intimidated to seek employment otherwise Brian has been threatening to have
him incarcerated if he does not seek employment away from Wonder Bread! And maintain a job
diary. Has complete knowledge Honorable Dorothy Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court has no
record in any of the data bases Mr. Lawrence owes child support. Mr. Lawrence is making
payments where he receives a receipt even with the receipt there is no record of any payments
ever applied to the account, Reliable Bus Company unlawfully received papers releasing the
unauthorized deductions from Mr. Lawrence wages, Brian is aware !.B.C. is paying someone
Mr. Lawrence's disability checks since June of2003, and that Wonder Bread is paying into Mr.
Lawrence Pension and Health and Welfare but the Illinois Department of Public Aid is providing
him a medical card Food Stamps and $540.00 a month in cash: CONFIDENTIAL
!\, ,::.,. ~~

Brian has complete knowledge Francoise Louise Barbera Hightower-Belmer has falsified
numerous documents. She is a Chicago Police Officer and has aided and assisted her in every

Brian has engineered and orchestrated the calling of this case on the AM call as the last one,
I :30pm so as to prevent others from witnessing the corrupt acts in the court.

Brian Volkman is unaware that despite no court reporter is present in court incredible
transcription has been forwarded to the FBI.

Brian Volkman has demonstrated intimidation in a courtroom, arrogance beyond contempt,
unprofessional arrogance for the law and his position as an Assistant States Attorney. With the
number of allegations proposed in this complaint as an elected official I am confident you will
demonstrate the integrity and prosecutorial aggressiveness by making an example of anyone that
uses their position to endorse/participate in criminal behavior.

Who is benefiting from this sophisticated extortion racket? How many other innocent
victims have been paying into this racket? WHERE ARE THESE PAYMENTS GOING

Joe L. Lawrence

Cc: James Chatto, FBI
Timothy Evans, Chief Judge

September 16, 2002

Honorable David Delgado
Richard J Daley Center
50 West Washington Street
Chicago, lllinois 60602

Dear Your Honor:

On September 28, 1994, I appeared before you seeking custody of my four biological children
from my common-law wife, who at that time was suffering from major depression, hereto
Attached, Ex. A

September 28, 1994, unbeknowing to myself~ a body attachment warrant was issued for an order
of protection violation, I had not seen, nor communicated with Ms. Hightower, who at that time
was a Chicago Police Officer. Hereto Attached Ex. B, copy of the warrant, also a copy of the
July 20, 1992 order, where I was in court, she nor her attorney was present.

As you may recall by now, your courtroom turned into a circus. I was immediately placed in
handcuffs wearing my CTA uniform with my badge on.

While handcuffed in custody someone from CT A, M. Burton investigator came and took my
badge and CIA key. The deputy informed him, she could not let him take my things from me like
this, he had to provide I.D., signed his name and record what he was taking, hereto Attached Ex.
C., County Sheriff stationary acknowledging what was taken.

Your Honor, you criticized the warrant harshly in my favor and the paternity case, but
made it very clear to everyone in the court room that something was wrong at the CTA, '"If
you ever found out, I was a CTA employee you were going to lock up everyone involved
and that you did not care who they were"!

Someone lied to you viciously "Serious Perjury" a letter October 30, 2001, sent to Valerie
Jarrett, Chairman with every attachment that accompanied said letter of irregularities:

October 31, 2001. her response here to attached.

December 22, 1994, a grievance, hereto attached, was filed in my behalf by Richard Stomper
who is now the Executive Vice President of Local 24 J Amalgamated Transit Union. He received
a November 23, 1994 letter and October 1994 print out from Personnel database establishing
the veracity of no discharge in the files.

I was told never to lose those papers because someone was trying to make it look as if, I never
worked for the company.

Richard Stomper and Ruth Brown of Personnel informed me that if there was any evidence a
Workman's Compensation claim was filed in the Industrial Commission, "You are not
Discharged". Someone screwed up your paper work, they needed my employee file records in
order to have me reinstated.

With all due respect the chain of command communication was exhausted due-diligently prior to
forwarding said irregularities to your attention; hereto attached, March 9, 2002 letter, to
Chairman Jarrett, hereto attached, August 30 2002 certified letter signed for

Hereto attached, September 11,2002 letter from Ken S. Ray

I contacted the Child Support Division to ascertain what balance of child support was owed and
learned that a Child Support order (hereto attached printout) was never entered:
85 D 068184 - Dismissed
88 D 079012 - Child Support has no order for support payments

Because of the aforementioned regularities recorded within will you order the CTA to return my
Badge and Key and/or invoke your jurisdiction where it is applicable so that my reinstatement
back with the Chicago Transit Authority will be without opposition.

Respectful!y submitted,

Joe L. Lawrence

P.S~ I would like to thank you for not sending me to jail on that Bogus Warrant

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